Joshaya. "I love you and there's nothing that anyone can ever do to change that"

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It hadn't been that big of a fight to begin with. They never had big fights before in the time of the year that they had been dating, just small ones. It was just Maya staying late at NYU to finish all these projects and Josh getting sick of eating and going to sleep by himself. That's all it was.

 But then it erupted into this monster explosion of Josh full out screaming at her that she was cheating on him and Maya, with tears in her eyes, saying she going to sleep somewhere else, packing a suitcase and leaving. That night Maya didn't come back and Josh slept alone, once again.

A few days passed, no Maya. By then Josh had cooled down and had tried to call her a few times, but no answer. Josh didn't worry though, because she was with Riley and when she was ready, she'd come when she was ready. She just needed more time. By the time day five with no Maya passed, Josh finally swallowed his pride and went over to his niece's dorm room. When his niece opened the door though, she was shocked to see him and had no idea about the fight, and while she had just saw Maya this morning; she had no idea where she was staying.

 Where was she? Josh wondered as she didn't answer her phone, yet again. He had searched the whole city for her, called everyone to see if they had seen or heard from her. (No one else had beside Riley) There was no sign of her.

    He sighed in defeat, setting his phone down. He should know by now, ifMaya didn't want to be found then she wouldn't be. Josh had just lain down intheir bed, when there was a knock on the door. Dragging himself out of bed,Josh made his way to answer bleary eyed. Behind the door stood Maya, looking ragged.Mascara ran down her cheeks, making her look like a raccoon.

    Josh stood there, not being able to say anything. But he didn't have to, because Maya spoke first. Her voice like gravel, her breathing coming out hitched.

"You were right. He never cared about my art. He-he just wanted in my pants. He hit on me tonight." More tears started to fall again.

 "Oh Gorgeous," the brunette reached out and pulled her into his arms...

    "I'm sorry, I overreacted Maya. I just...I don't know what happened. Iknow you'd never cheat on me." He stared down at her, his hand trailingpatterns up and down arm. Maya sniffled,before she met his gaze with soft eyes, "You were jealous and I get that. Isometimes get jealous too, but you should also know that I love you and there'snothing that anyone can ever do to change that. We've been through too much tolet anything, especially something like this..." 

In that moment, Josh knew. He just knew that Maya wasn't a pit stop for him. He was looking at the future Mrs. Joshua Matthews. Maya would one day be his wife, he was sure of it.

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