A Dream Boat Ride

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Shadow Knight Calling Destroyer
Wyvern Scale
Fairy Magic
5 Random Pages from "Shadow Knights and Emotion"
Fire Lord's Scepter
Brightport Ocean Water

I prepared to head out of Ragsworth's kingdom. Laura and I packed my bag that Cadenza gave me with silver coins, the Wyvern scale, the pages of the book, a few apples, bread, cheese sticks, coal for fire, a blanket, and raw chicken meat from a few hens that I hunted the day before leaving. Ragsworth also granted me a potion from his castle, one of the simpler ones, which was a water breathing potion.

We were heading out of the Kingdom and into a forest that would lead us to the Winteress Sea, which was where we would find Christmas Island. Ragsworth prepared us an old birch boat that was still pretty clean and sturdy, but it was very small and cheap. I stared at Ragsworth as he greedily grinned. This must have been a profit for you...

Laura and I carefully docked on, as I grabbed the oars and prepared to leave.

"Hey, hey! Hold on! I have to bring SOMEONE with you to return the boat." Ragsworth shouted. He pulled over a lady with glasses and blonde hair who seemed so extremely familiar.

"This is our prisoner of knowledge, Emmalyn. Emmalyn provides us with navigation and knowledge, and she knows best how to take you to Christmas Island." Ragsworth explained. I stared at her, who wouldn't even bother to lift her face to look at someone. I was wondering where she went.

I could still kind of see her shining eyes, and the purple coat was torn, but still so familiar. It could only be her. I smiled, and grabbed her hand softly and carefully to lower her into the boat. Looking up at me, she brushed her hair back, and stared at me with a smile slowly growing on her face. She brushed her flowing hair away from her eyes, and looked down happily.

"Should we get going, Emmalyn?" I asked. She nodded and began rowing the oars. I waved back to the kingdom and turned away, ready to continue on to the next part of our journey.

Staring down at the recipe for the spell, I realized that I only had 3 ingredients left to be found. This made me smile a lot. Laura looked over at me and pointed to the sky. It was near evening, and it wouldn't be long until the night would come at us. I suddenly realized something. Just exactly two weeks ago, Laurance left for the Calling at this time. It's been so long, who knows where he could be?

"Where's Laurance? I'm surprised he's not with you." Emmalyn asked. I looked up at her and sighed.

"I'm here to find the only way that I can bring back Laurance." I explained. She nodded silently and asked nothing more. The night began to fall, and so did my tired eyelids. I really wanted to sleep, and by the looks of it, so did Laura. She might be magical, but she's still human.

"Emmalyn, Laura and I are headed to sleep. Will you watch over for us?" I asked.

"Yes, of course. You can trust me!" Emmalyn replied, "I mean, I'm so excited to be meeting real fairies in Christmas Island! I'm literally so pumped that I can't even think about sleeping!"

Ahh, she hasn't changed a bit.

Laura and I huddle together on the bottom of the boat, wrap ourselves in a blanket, and call it a night. Not too long after, I submerge into a deep sleep.

(Your Name)'s Dream

I looked around, small gray walls surrounding me, and a bright light shining from the top. I see sprinkling lights falling down, and once they touched the ground, they would poof away. It was like magic. More and more of them came, and they started building together. I tried to touch the little magical structure, but the second I did, it pushed me away.

Bit by bit, it began to form Laurance, and finally, he burst out. His brown hair brushed past his jade green eyes, and his uniform was polished an perfect. He called out to me something I couldn't hear or understand, but I could hear the sound of his voice, my most favorite sound. Suddenly, I heard him say, "Are you a fairy? Because you are magical!" I laughed in reply. It was so stupidly cheesy, but so adorable. But that was it.

Suddenly, he turned into a giant pile of dust-like magic, and began to melt away. I woke up suddenly, noticing that Laura had woken up, too. Emmalyn stared at the both of us, gasping. I looked down at the bag, and couldn't believe what I saw.

Laura's Dream

I looked around at the gray room. My mom was here, but in her dream, not mine. I knew, just like I knew that our dreams radiated a magic that was attracting fairies. Fairies would come and surround us while we would be dreaming. I was just hoping that our dreams had enough power to fulfill the fairies and make them give us enough magic so that Daddy's spell could be made.

Besides the gray room, there was also fairy dust falling from the roof and forming some sort of structure on the ground. This was the part I didn't know. My favorite part. In each dream, there was only one thing I would always never know, and that's the thing I would like the most. That was the thing that taught me how it felt to learn, discover, and grow. Because of stupid divine powers, I almost never felt the feeling of learning.

Suddenly, the structure swirled around me, and it began to sting like a wasp. I woke up in shock. This was very new to me. I looked up to see Mommy as well, who was in shock, and Emmalyn, who's mouth feel open in surprise. I looked down and smiled, realizing what had happened.

Emmalyn's POV



...I need to conduct an experiment on this.

A/N: This was a loooooong chapter, but so worth it, because I won't be posting for the next two weeks. I've been really busy, and there are a few important events going on during that time, so I won't be able to post. I hope an extra long chapter can make up for that. Meanwhile, I've reached 160K on Book 1 of LaurancexReader, and 500 followers, all thanks to each and every single one of you! Thank you, it means a lot. That's all for now, guys. Peace out!

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