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"Goodbye, (Your Name)! Goodbye, Laura! I wish you the best of luck! And I will keep Laura's secret!" Cadenza called. We said our goodbyes and left. The pages were in a bag Cadenza offered to us. Of course, we needed some other things, too. I knew we could find them, but first, I'd have to go to a place where I knew fairies and elves lived, Christmas Island.

(Did y'all know Christmas Island is a real island? Google it!)

I knew it would take a few days to get there, so of course, I decided to take the land route, hoping that I might bump into a Wyvern or a Fire Lord. Laura and I knew that we would have to make an occasional stop here and there, so we decided that we would try to go fast so we could at least make it halfway through our trip by night.

We walked through forests, past rivers, lakes, and waterfalls, and crossed a gorgeous bridge across a small canyon. It was night when we saw a nearby village and decided that we would have to stop there.

The village gave me a familiar spook, but I didn't know what it was that sang to me about that place, until I saw him.


I blinked several times in surprise. As much as he was recognizable, his hair was now red instead of green. He had a massive black beard and dark gray eyes. Standing next to him was a woman literally creepy enough to look like a vampire. Even her teeth were sharp and big. Her pale skin blew in the moonlight, along with her face of disgust. What, have you never seen a human before?!

"Ello, stranger." Ragsworth said in a British accent.

"Greetings, Ragsworth." I replied.

"Thy King Ragsworth of Soltonia, miss." He snapped back.

"And I, young maiden, am Lady Rasanique." The vampire-looking lady replied.

More like Lady Rasafreak.

"I was hoping I could be give a place to stay tonight. Me and my daughter are headed to Christmas Island." I explained.

"My word, are you an elf?! Only fairies and elves visit Christmas Island!" Ragsworth asked. I thought about this carefully.

"Ummm... yes! Yes I am, and so is my daughter." I replied.

"Where art thou pointy ears?" Lady Rasafreak asked.

"Oh, umm, I have tucked them away right now. Elves are being hunted lately." I explained. Suddenly, I realized, they could hunt me and Laura this second.

Laura smiled and waved her hand. Suddenly, she had pointy elf ears. Divine Magic.

"Ah, thank you mistress, for pulling out thou ears." Ragsworth thanked.

"Oh, you're welcome." I replied, playing along.

"Well, we can give you a boat to assist your travels and give you a place to stay tonight if..." Ragsworth began.

"If...?" I replied.

"If you can use your elf magic to turn over his egg and give it to me. I could sell that thing and earn enough money to prevent having to move off my kingdom."

"I don't know...." I began when suddenly Laura exclaimed, "YES!"

"It's perfect! Follow Lady Rasanique to the Wyvern's nest." Ragsworth replied. I chuckled and followed after Rasafreak nervously. If I could get the egg, I could get the scale, too, right? This one little trip to the nest could change my life forever.

LaurancexReader Book 2: Together ForeverWhere stories live. Discover now