Hospital Attack

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The moment I said my child's name, the ground felt like it was shaking, and I heard screams and cries. Aphmau helped me get up.
"Come on, we need to get out of here." She shouted. Garroth jumped out of his chair and raced down the stairs of the hospital. I slowly walked with them, holding Laura in my arms. Once I got out of the hospital, I finally realized what was going on. O'khasis shadow knights were bombing the hospital. They were on the roof, throwing bombs.
"SHADOWS!" I shouted. I ran as quickly as I could with my child. I felt my shadow side slightly poking out as my eyes glowed the slightest bit red. Aphmau and Garroth were soon surrounded by shadow knights. Aphmau stared me in the eyes. I knew exactly what she was telling me to do. She glanced over at the woods near the hospital for a second, and I knew exactly what I had to do. "Be safe, Aphmau." I whispered.
I tried to quietly speed walk to the woods. Still weak from the pregnancy, I didn't run very far, or very quietly, and shadows began to follow me. The stress piled inside of me. They were built to kill. They live to kill. I turned around for a second to see Aphmau and Garroth beating up the shadows and Garroth ran off to save the hospital. Aphmau tried to keep the shadows away from me. She grabbed her sword and stabbed the shadows as quickly as she could. This was my chance. I held onto Laura and ran as fast as I could into the forest. I hid behind a tree so I could still see the fight.
The shadows were beginning to lose the fight, but they didn't give up. The remaining shadows all ran straight for the hospital. I looked down at my little baby. Her eyes were still closed. Good. I don't want war to be the first thing she sees.
Aphmau and Garroth tried to help all of the hospital people evacuate as the shadows bombed the hospital even more. The small building began to crumble into ashes. I felt tears stream down my eyes watching this innocent building end so cruelly.
"GET THOSE SHADOWS!" Garroth commanded. More guards and fighters began to come to the area and beat up the shadows. The more I watched them, the more I thought about Laurance. They took him. The damn shadows took my Laurance.
Not being able to keep it in anymore, I grabbed the sharpest stick I could see and flung it at a shadow. It stabbed the shadow in the eye, causing him to fall. Dante finished off the shadow and continued fighting with another one.
The shadows finally began to retreat and all of the guards gathered together to check on the attack survivors. Apparently, only 3 people in the hospital of 70 passed away. Everyone prepared a burial for them. I walked over towards Aphmau.
"I can't believe this." I cried.
"I can't either. A birth along with 3 deaths." Aphmau whispered. I put a hand on her shoulder while holding onto Laura. The whole area was quiet. None of us could believe what had just happened.
At that very moment, I heard a familiar voice. "(YOUR NAME)! I MADE IT! I'M HERE! WHERE IS OUR BABY?! HOW IS EVERYTHING?! (YOUR NAME)?!"
I turned around to see a very confused shadow Laurance frantically searching for me.
"LAURANCE?! OH MY IRENE!" I shouted. Laurance turned around to face me and ran towards me. Tears streamed down my face. He held my face with his hands and kissed my lips.
"You're okay! You're not hurt! Not even a scratch!" I exclaimed. He smiled.
"Well, they couldn't hurt me after I joined O'khasis!" He said.
"Wait... what?!" I asked.
"I'll explain everything later. I'm just so happy to see you, my love. Oh, and my little baby girl!" Laurance put his hand on Laura's cheek.
"Don't worry, little one. Papa's here." He whispered, then turned to me, "Did you name her yet?"
"Oh yeah, that's our little daughter, Laura." I sighed. He smiled at me.
"How did you come up with that name?" He asked teasingly. I playfully punched him. Just then, Laura opened her tiny baby eyes. My little girl and her father are all I could ever need.

LaurancexReader Book 2: Together ForeverDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora