Cadenza's Book

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Once we got to Meteli, I decided to first read over the recipe before talking with Cadenza. I sat down at a rock with Laura, and she smiled and looked at the recipe, too.

"Silly, you can't read yet!" I exclaimed and kissed Laura's head. She giggled.

Shadow Knight Calling Destroyer
Wyvern Scale
Fairy Magic
5 Random Pages from "Shadow Knights and Emotion"
Fire Lord's Scepter
Brightport Ocean Water

Mix the pages and ocean water together with the Wyvern scale. Sprinkle Fairy Magic on the scepter and use it to enchant the spell. Put it in a bottle and use within a week.

I widen my eyes. Wyvern Scale?! Fire Lord's Scepter?! FAIRY MAGIC?!

"Mom..." Laura said in her soft, cute, baby voice.

"Yes, my little Laura?" I asked.

"Don't give up." She whispered softly. My eyes widened again, Laura's knowledge and communication shocking me to sense.

"I'm doing this. Not as much for me, but more for you, my Divine Warrior." I replied to her, stroking her soft brown hair.

"Oh, I thought I heard a familiar voice!" I heard Cadenza exclaim. I looked up to see the beautiful orange-haired lord who was Laurance's sister.

"Cadenza! I'm so happy to see you." I replied and hugged her.

"Oh, you're a sight for sore eyes." Cadenza replied. She looked over at Laura and chuckled.

"There's my little sweet niece. Come here to aunty, Laura!" Cadenza said, bending down to pick up Laura. Laura made cute baby spitting noises and said, "Aunty!"

"She's growing up to be one smart, powerful, and beautiful lady." I said to Cadenza.

"Just like her mother." Cadenza replied. I smiled and blushed.

"So, why are you here? Is something wrong in Phoenix Drop?!" Cadenza asked.

"Actually, I came here to find Laurance." I explained.



"So, the Calling has called him away. That's beyond awful!" Cadenza exclaimed.

"Yes, and the only way to save him is with this spell, unless you know any other way." I added.

"Oh no, I have no idea. What I do know is that the closest Nether Portal to Phoenix Drop is in the abandoned werewolf village near Brightport." Cadenza replied.

"Of course!" I exclaimed.

"Another thing I know is that I own a copy of 'Shadow Knights and Emotion' right here in my house." Cadenza added. I gasped.

"Can I use it?" I asked.

"Why would I tell you if you couldn't?!" Cadenza replied. The two of us laughed. I ran over to the shelf, searching for the book when I heard page ripping. I turned around to see 5 ripped pages on the coffee table, and Laura holding the book I was searching for. Her (your eye color) eyes were glittering with pride and happiness. Cadenza gasped.

"Is your daughter enchanted?!" Cadenza asked.

"Oh, no. She's..." I began. Laura looked at me.

"She's what?!" Cadenza urged.

"Can you keep a secret?" I asked.

"Well, of course. Especially for my sister-in-law." Cadenza replied.

"Well then, tell her, Laura."

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