Love Triangle

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Zane brought me into another room, showing me where all of my clothes and supplies would be from then on. He headed downstairs and showed me where the kitchen, dining hall, and all of the other places. I was going to be fancying myself in this castle, but it wasn't worth it. I'd rather be in prison and have my family with me rather than this castle with Zane.

Zane walked me back to his room. He closed the door behind us and looked me in the eyes as deviously as possible.

"Come in, it's getting late. Why don't we sleep and begin our invasion of the world in the morning?" Zane asked.

"Great plan," I said with fake excitement, "I'm heading back to my room to sleep." Zane grabs my hand and stops me.

"Honey, we're married." Zane growled quietly. I stared at him. Sleep next to Zane?! NEVER!

"Not every couple sleeps together. Now, good night." I said and took my leave. As I walked towards my room, I realized something. I can use the spell in Zane. It's indestructible. He won't be able to stop me.

I fell asleep for only a short moment before I felt something stab me in the arm. I opened my eyes to see Zane poking a knife into my arm. I screamed and pushed him away. I grabbed out my sword and brought it to his neck. He froze in place and sneered. This is it, my chance. I began to perform the spell as a red light started to flow out of my hands. I gasped. What...?

"ZANE?! WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?!" I screamed. He cackled.

"It's a backfiring potion set with a trigger. If you try to use the spell on anyone who's blood was in that potion, it will backfire onto you. My blood was the blood in the potion. Use the spell on, use the spell on you. You got it, wife?" Zane explained.

"I... got... it..." I stuttered. That was my only hope of getting out of this.

"Good. Now good night, wife, I'm heading to my room." Zane said. He kissed my in my forehead and left. I went to the bathroom and washed my face. I brushed my teeth again, and decided to head downstairs to find Laurance.

Just as I was heading down, I bumped into a girl with teal eyes and pink hair. She growled at me and pushed me down the stairs. I controlled my balance and fell on my feet. A little pain stung in them, but not much.

"What the hell was that for?!" I shouted. She stared at me angrily.

"You know darn well what that was for." She said.

"I don't. Tell me yourself." I replied with anger.

"You took away my Zane with your charming looks and stuff. He's mine, you got it? Mine! Ivy's!" She shouted.

LaurancexReader Book 2: Together ForeverWhere stories live. Discover now