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It had been a week since I read Laurance's diary. I headed downstairs with Laura in my arms. I put Laura in her new baby carriage in the kitchen and began preparing breakfast for the family. Laurance walked into the room, yawning.

"Good morning, sweetheart. How are you?" Laurance said. He still hasn't told me or Aph. I need to get it out of him. I turned around and pointed my pancake flipper at him. He put his arms up.

"Tell me everything about Zane and O'khasis!" I demanded. Laurance stared at me, wide-eyed.

"What are you talking about, (Your name)? Everything's fine in O'khasis." Laurance lied and coughed. I gave him a stern look.

"You need to tell Garroth, Aphmau and I if you want to keep us safe." I said. Laurance looked at me and sighed.

"Zane planned an attack on Zenix and killed what was left of his bloody soul. He became the ruler of O'khasis and prepared many plans to attack Phoenix Drop, and possibly even start a war with us. Hopefully we can prevent all of that."

"Yes, hopefully. The best way to prevent war is to tell Aphmau, Laurance. Don't be afraid." I explained.

"I guess you're right. Also, the pancakes are starting to burn." Laurance stated. I turned around and flipped the pancakes. I finished preparing them and placed them on the table. Laurance and I sat down across from each other.

"Even worse, Zane has some sort of dark magic, even darker than shadow magic, and he has been using it on the shadow knights to make them even deadlier than they already are." Laurance informed me.

"Dark magic?!" I exclaimed. Laurance nodded slowly. He turned towards Laura, who could finally open her eyes and make cute baby noises. He kissed her forehead.

"I won't let them get near my young Laura. Or you." He said, turning towards me.

"If you don't want them to hurt us, you need to tell Aphmau." I said sternly. Laurance nodded.

"I know, and I am so sorry. I will tell her right after this meal." Laurance apologized.

We ate the rest of our meal in silence.

Afterwards, I changed Laura's clothes and diaper, and Laurance placed her back in her carriage. We walked towards the castle, people in the village congratulating us on Laura. We smiled and blushed. Everyone seemed to love her.

"(Your name)! Laurance! It's so great to see you!" Katelyn shouted and ran towards us. Zoey came too. She looked at Laura.

"What a perfect combination of the both of you." Zoey said with a sigh. She pet Laura's tiny bit of hair.

"She has hair like her dad's, and eyes like her mom's." Katelyn pointed out. Laurance and I exchanged looks. I never noticed that.

"Yes, she does. So Katelyn, how are you?" Laurance asked.

"I'm doing fine. I'm about to head over to Aphmau's. She said she wanted to discuss a few things about defending Phoenix Drop with the guards." Katelyn replied.

"Can we come with you? Laurance has some news for Aph." I said.

"Of course you can! Come on, guys." Katelyn said and led us towards the castle.

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