Divine Backstory

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A/N: Before I start this chapter, I want to thank you guys for 100K views on my first book of LaurancexReader! That is 100K times the amount of views I expected when I started Wattpad! XD I literally thought nobody liked my book or would read it, but I definitely ended up wrong. I still sometimes feel like I might be disappointing you guys, or that the book doesn't sound good, but thanks to you guys, I'm less worried about that. I wouldn't have gotten 100K views without all of you doh, so thank you so much. Let's see if we can get to 10K views on this book! Love you all, and Peace will shut up now. May the chapter begin!

I stared at my young little Laura. Irene became Divine because she had 2 parents who knew the spell... does that mean Laura is... Divine?

"Look, (Your name), I know you're confused about Laura, but we don't have time for this. We need to go. We need to perform the spell on Zane and get out of here." Laurance whispered to me.

"But Laurance-" I began.

"No. If Laura really is Divine, then she's in danger here. The sooner we leave, the better." Laurance reasoned.

"Okay. Let's go." I replied, carrying Laura and running as fast as I could. We ran out of the dungeon hall and Laurance climbed up the winding staircase. I slowly followed him, making sure Laura did not touch anything. She placed her hand on the railing of the staircase for a split second, and it cracked.

"Laura, no. Don't touch anything." I scolded. Laurance ran into the room as quietly as he could. I could hear his soft little footsteps treading around the room as I began to creep in myself. He closed his eyes, whispered the spell, and the magic began to soar out of him onto Zane.

Zane woke up that very second in shock, and cackled evilly.

"I have the antidote to protect myself, you stupid shadow knight!" Zane exclaimed. I ran over and grabbed out my knife.

"Oooooh, I'm so scared!" Zane shouted sarcastically and laughed.

"Oh good." I growled, feeling my slight shadow knight personality burst out of me. I slashed my knife at him and he shouted in pain, beginning to fall unconscious.

"YOU'L PAY FOR THIS, (YOUR NAME)!" Zane shouted. Laurance finished performing the spell as Zane fainted. Ivy stood right next to him, glaring at us in anger. She slashed her sword out.

"I'll let you escape now. We can continue this some other day." Ivy hissed. Laurance grabbed Laura and ran out. I smirked.

"That works for me. Goodnight, Ivy." I replied and ran off. I followed after Laurance and Laura, who were grabbing all of their belongings and packing them up.

I know the way out of here. I know that they do, too. Yet no matter how much I knew that place, I felt that I was lost, lost far away from the others.

We left the castle and headed into the forest leading to Narakha. In the forest, we found a firm tree to rest under. I laid down with Laura snoozing in my lap and Laurance's arm around my shoulder. He kissed my forehead as I softly drifted off to sleep.


Hello, (Your name). You must be confused.

Who... what...?

Yeah... you're confused.

What's going on? Where am I?!

You are in your dreams, with me.

Yeah, cool, that's totally not creepy.

Listen, I know this must feel odd, but I need to tell you the story of the Divine Warriors. You must be aware of the changes in your daughter.

Ooh! Story time! I've been waiting for an explanation of what's going on with Laura.

You and Laurance are both successors of the Sacred Spell, which is the 2nd most powerful spell known.

What's the most powerful?

That's a secret none must know.


Since you both have powerful magic inside of you, when you gave birth to Laura, the magic from both of you formed together inside of her, creating a power so magical that it is considered divine.

So... Laura really is a Divine Warrior?!

Yes, she is. Just like Irene, she has two parents with the immense power of the Sacred Spell. She is Divine, and her magic follows the Divine Backstory. Unlike Irene, though, she doesn't have as immense power. This is because her father knew the most powerful spell, so she had such power at birth that she killed her parents.

That's... amazing, yet also really sad.

I will help you throughout the stages of Laura's Divine powers, and hopefully, you'll be able to make it through everything with her. The world's fate rests in the hands of your family.

That's a lot of pressure.

Do not worry, you all will make it through together as the Zvahl family. You, Laurance, and Laura will save the world. I guarantee it.

Thank you for having faith in me and my family. Just one quick question... what's your name?

I'm Thegod's sister, Earth. Yes, my name is indeed Earth. I have a husband named Solar and a daughter named Luna. We're all gods of certain things.

So you're the goddess of the world?!

In a way, yes. My husband is the sun god, and my daughter is the moon goddess. Now, stop asking me questions and wake up.

"(YOUR NAME)! WAKE UP! ARE YOU OKAY?! WAKE UP, MY BEAUTIFUL LOVE!" I heard Laurance shout. I woke up and hugged him tightly.

"I have A LOT to tell you about tonight's dream..." I whispered.

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