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Diana's POV

"YOU WHAT?!" I yelled through the phone.

"I found my mate!" Jen replied through the other side of the phone.

"What? When? Where? Who? How? Where the bloody hell are you young lady? Is he nice? Does he treat you well? What's his name? Is he fit? Is he hot? Does he have money?-"

"Hey, calm the fuck down Dee. I went out to the human world to buy a few things we don't get at the pack markets, and I ran into him. He's the beta of the Lunaris pack. His name is Jordan Parish and he totally accepts me and treats me like a princess. As for physical aspects I'm sure I don't need to describe that to you."

"Oh my god! I'm so happy for you Jen! Oh wait, shit, does this mean you're going to have to move into his pack?" I questioned, my tone changing completely. She remained quiet for a minute, the sound of a sigh being released was heard before she answered.

"Unfortunately, yes I do."

"Hell no. I disapprove of this relationship. I will not have some random beta of the Lunaris pack take away my best friend away from me because of matredhood. I am absolutely against this idea." I responded, neglecting the harsh reality.

"Aww, don't worry Luna, I'll come and visit very often"

"No you won't because you're not leaving"


"NO! And it's Dee to you"

"Alright Dee. I get it but-"

"Nop. Absolutely no buts will be taken alright?"







"Hear me out-"

"No, no, no, no. My name is no. My sign is no. My number is no."

"Can you stop singing Meghan Trainor?"


"DIANA!" this finally pulled me out of my neglecting state causing me to hear her out. "I love you alright"

"I love you too" I whispered through the phone. "At least tell me you're coming back today. I want to say goodbye"

"Of course I'm coming. I wouldn't leave without saying goodbye to my three best friends"

"Okay" Jenna hung up, my face saddening at the thought.

I was extremely content for her, but at the same time it felt as though I was going to be losing someone I really cared about.

I had only made three real friends in this pack, that were David, Simon and Jenna, and without Jenna, I would have to tolerate Simon talking about his dude problems and David complaining about not finding the right chicks to hook up with. What had my life come to?

I walked up to the bedroom, my eyes dropping to a note left neatly on the bed.

'Pack a bag. Meet me by the southern border at 5pm' My eyes landed on my watch, reading 4:45 making me feel excited yet curious at the same time.

Why did Liam want me to pack a bag? Where were we going? What kind of clothes was I supposed to pack? How many days would we be gone for?

I rushed over to my closet, pulling out a decent bag and 4 pairs of clothes. Once I was ready with everything I needed, I exited the house, making my way down to the southern border. Where was this going to lead me?


"Liam, can I please open my eyes now?" I asked for the billionth time.

"Just a little bit further" he argued, guiding me somewhere unknown in his arms.

I soon felt myself being elevated onto some sort of platform and carious around a place with a different surface.

My back came in contact with something soft, and the feeling off the blind fold was slowly lifted off my eyes. After blinking a few times to adjust to the light, my eyes roamed around my unfamiliar surroundings. When I realised where I was, my eyes widened in surprise.

"We're on a boat?"

"Yeah" he smirked, standing in front of me.

"How... When? I mean-"

"I own it"

"Of course you do" a chuckle released him

"Do you like it?" he questioned me causing me to get up from the bed and wrap my around him.

"I love it" I smiled, pressing a small kiss to his lips.

"Good" he replied.


The stars were absolutely gorgeous. Liam and I had been lying down, star gazing for the past few hours, and it was a sight one could never get tired of.

"Do you remember when your parents came to visit a week ago and I requested to talk to them alone?" he asked, breaking the silence. I nodded in his way, recalling the memory.

"Why did you request to see them anyways?"

"Because I had to make sure I got something" He responded, making me even more confused.

"What do you mean?" Liam turned my way, looking me right in the eyes.

"Look, I'm not going to say some cheesy speech copied off a chick flick because quite frankly, I don't know how to do that, so instead I just want to tell you the truth." He started, my eyes knotting further in confusion "The Moon Goddes makes soul mates as the people you are destined to spend the rest of your life with, your other half because they have the qualities that can complete you as a person, and can make you a good person. Before you, I was just a feared Alpha with the strongest pack in the world. After you, I'm a whole new person. Not only did you change me, but you gave my pack the other side of support they need. You're the reason that my pack is now perfect. Not just physically, but emotionally too. And there are a billion reasons I love you apart from this and if I were to list them I would take a whole century. So I just want to get to the point." He paused, getting on one knee "I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you and this baby, and I want to love you for as ever as I can, so my question after getting blessings from your family is" his hand reached his pocket, pulling out a red velvet box that opened to uncover a beautiful diamond ring that had me gasping at the mere sight of it. "Will you marry me Diana Winchester?" My mouth opened and I froze completely. I already knew my answer, but I couldn't open my mouth.

I reached ahead, connecting my lips to his instantly, giving him the response he was looking for. His eyes shone with a new happiness after we parted.

"I love you, of course I'll marry you" I whispered to him as our heads leaned against each other.

"I love you so much Dee" were his final words before he reconnected his mouth with mine with a new sense of joy.

Maybe our story hadn't started off that well, but after our whole journey I knew something for sure.

I was definitely not mated to my enemy.


And that's the end of Mated to the enemy and the Hard Mate Series!! I hope you all enjoyed it and thank you so much for all your support on this wonderful journey! This book is currently very much unedited however I will come back and edit it at some point! I have really enjoyed writing this series and I hope you all enjoyed reading it too! Once again thank you very much for all your support and do check out my other books too!

Song Say you won't let go (James Arthur) to the side--->





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