Chapter 19

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Diana's POV

"Dee, will you please calm down. It's going to be alright" Liam repeated for the tenth time in a minute, chuckling to himself as he fixed his hair in the mirror.

"I'm perfectly calm Liam, but we can't mess this up alright. You can't beast out on them like you did last time. I mean, this is my-"

"Dee, I get it, and I won't alright. Unless someone tries to harm you or turn you against me. I will stay perfectly calm. My mouth opened to shoot a reply when the sound of the doorbell had us both on alert. I looked back at Liam, taking a deep breath before he grabbed my hand, taking me downstairs towards the door.

Excitement took over me, causing me to sprint the rest of the way and throw the door open, my gaze finally meeting the one's of the people I loved.

"Mom, dad!" I exclaimed, embracing them in a tight hug.

"My girl" my father whispered into my ear before he let go. My eyes headed behind my parents, catching my brother, Alyssa and little Jane playing silently in Alyssa's arms. Her blue eyes met mine in utter joy.

"Anny Dee! Anny Dee!" She exclaimed, stretching her arms out towards me. I rushed up to her, picking her up and carrying her on my waist.

"Hello darling. How have you been kiddo?" Her smile extended as her hands gasped a fragment of my hair.

"I'm really happy Anny Dee! Mommy said that we were going to a bigger house!" I chuckled due to her cute smile that had my insides pouring of happiness.

"Oh yeah? Would you like to meet the owner of the house Jane?" her eyes widened at my statement, her head bobbing up and down quickly. I chuckled, walking with Jane still on my hips a few steps back till I got to an awkward looking Liam.

"Jane, this is Liam, the owner of the house" I stated, her eyes widened even more.

"He's so big! He's even bigger than daddy!" My mouth opened again to respond but Liam interrupted.

"Well I have to be big to protect your Aunt don't I kiddo?" he commented, lowering his head a little to match her level. Jane's eyes lit up, as she agreed with Liam. Their interaction made my heart clench, I knew Liam would be the greatest father, despite his past.

"Alright Kiddo, time to let daddy give your aunt a hug" Chace commented, passing Jane over to my mother.

Instantly, I was attacked into a large hug by my brother, his body securing me in his embrace.

Finally, I Alyssa reached over, pulling Chace away to get her turn.

Liam stretched his hand in front of my dad respectfully.

"Mr and Ms Winchester, good to have you here" my father looked at his hand for a minute in shock, before accepting it with a grip of his own. He turned to my brother, showing the same amount of respect. "Alpha Chace" my brother nodded, shaking his hand. I smiled internally, knowing the effort Liam was putting in to impress my family.

We soon followed Liam into the grand dining hall, seating ourselves for dinner. Dinner started off smoothly with not so many questions however the question of how to tell my family that I was pregnant still lingered my mind.

"Mr Winchester, I realise that we didn't exactly get off on the right foot the first time we met, and I just wanted to apologise for my rude and inconsiderate behavior. You are my mate's parents and I want to keep you as happy as I will her." Liam started, taking me completely by surprise.

My father's mouth opened in surprise as he tried to speak.

"It's alright Liam, but please, do call me William" I smiled, acknowledging the good start.

The meal ran smoothly until we approached the living room and sat down in complete silence. It was my turn to talk, to announce what I had been waiting to announce, but I was internally shivering with fear. Liam's hand grabbed mine, his eyes boring into my own, giving me a sign of comfort and a nod of motivation. I nodded, proceeding with the speech I had prepared all night.

"Well..." I started "I actually wanted to make an announcement" my eyes met Liam's one last time before I decided it was finally time to spit it out as they all looked at me with a confused expression "We are going to be introducing the next Anderson into the family very soon" I hinted, thinking that it was all out. However their confused expressions didn't fade, and I knew what I had to do. "I am pregnant" I finally announced, catching their attention successfully.

The first thing I saw was the sight of my brother elevating from his seat with a firing rage being emanated from his eyes. Instantly, I shot up, putting myself between Chace and Liam who had stood up seeing Chace's reaction.

Putting my hand on Chace's chest I tried to push him back, but it had no effect. Chace growled into my mate's face, who didn't look so pleased with his reaction.


"Finish that sentence pup, I dare-"

"STOP IT THE BOTH OF YOU!" I yelled, their eyes facing down on me. "For god's sake guys, when will this end? I'm you sister! And you're mate! And I'll have you know that you got Alyssa pregnant when she was younger than my age right now so you have no right to talk." I yelled I took a deep breath, watching the two of them calm down a bit "I just want you to be happy for me Chace. Liam is not as bad as you saw him the first day alright? If anything he's been more supportive of me than I have been for myself. That's why I called you guys here today, I wanted you to see for yourself that I am happy" I said, my arm automatically going around Liam's, as his came around mine.

"I know I came off as rude when I first arrived your pack, but I assure you, I will be with her every step of the way. She won't go through anything alone." My brother looked cautiously at Liam before releasing a breath and nodding.

The rest of the evening went by calmly, I introduced Simon and Jenna to my family and Liam introduced David. Soon, Liam had requested to speak to my parents and brother alone, giving me the perfect opportunity to talk to Alyssa.

"So, tell me everything" she said, sitting on one side of me whilst Jenna sat on the other.

"What do you want me to tell you Al?" I chuckled, ignoring her real question.

"There was a lot of screaming involved, I'll tell you that" Jenna remarked from beside me making me blush instantly.

"You weren't even in Liam's house, how would you know?"

"You guys were loud, like really lo-"

"Alright, that's it both of you, enough fun making."

It wasn't long before my family bid us goodbye and left with a promise to return soon.

Things had worked out for me after all.


The next chapter is the epilogue!! Hope you guys enjoyed this! Chapter thoughts?? Future predictions?? Comment below and let me know what you think!!

Picture of Diana's Family to the side--->





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