Chapter 2

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Diana's POV

The Blood Moon Pack.

Those words alone were enough to send people running off to another continent. Every story has their villain pack, the ruthless one's that parent's tell their children to scare them with, the pack with the cruel Alpha, one that didn't take any remorse in viciously murdering people in cold blood. In this world, the Blood Moon Pack was the nightmare.

It was bad enough to face someone from a pack like the Dark Shadows, the biggest pack in America, but even in their comparison, The Blood Moon was most certainly a stronger pack. In fact, it was the strongest pack in the world. Their Alpha, Liam Anderson I believe his name is, was the first person to ever shift at the age of ten, but then again, not every kid the age of ten gets kidnapped by rogues who make them watch as they slowly slaughter their parents. It triggered his wolf instantly, and he killed all the rogues in cold blood right on the spot, and ever since, he claimed Alpha title of the pack. For years the images had haunted him, and the only way he coped with things was through death or torture, eventually, he overtook on all other strong packs in the world, taking over the title of the most feared Pack and Alpha in the world.

What a Pack such as that was going to discuss with a pack such as ours was no surprise. It was clear he wanted to take over many more territories and merge packs with other's to create and even bigger empire for himself.

The room had turned absolutely silent as no one spoke. Everybody shared glances with each other, each one knowing what the other was thinking. Deciding to bring some positivity into the room, Alyssa was the first person to break the silence.

"Look, we still don't know what he's going to come here to talk about for sure Chace, so let's not all go assuming things-"

"Alyssa, what could the most powerful pack in the world possibly want with a normal pack in Chicago?" Chace replied to her calmly. Her gaze lowered, and we all knew the answer. Chace was going to lose his position as Alpha, and the pack was going to lose their Alpha, to a ruthless monster. That, was the unchangeable and undeniable truth that we all had to face. It wasn't long before we all went in our directions, getting our last goodnight sleep with Chace as our Alpha.

The next morning, no one smiled, and no one talked. The pack had been notified of the situation and we were absolutely helpless. The time was ticking fast, and soon the patrollers had informed Chace about the Blood Moon's arrival. Everyone had tensed up greatly as soon as the notification came through. For some odd reason, my wolf thought it was the best time to start feeling agitated. My palms were clammy and my stomach was filled with a knot of nausea, knowing what was coming next. A wave of claustrophobia struck me, causing me to feel absolutely suffocated.

"I'm going for a run." I announced quickly, disappearing into my bedroom. I rapidly changed into my workout clothes before running out into the woods. From the heavy air, I could tell that the heartless Alpha had already made his presence into my home, and it was only a matter of time before he wrecked our pack apart with this cruel ways.

I shifted with the mere thought and ran deep into the woods, breathing the fresh air that was about to be taken away from me. For some reason, my wolf was happy, and ran without a single care in the world, stopping by the lake for a few short minutes to take a drink of water. Confused and frustrated by her actions, I decided to shift back, quickly repositioning myself into my clothes and walking slowly back into my house.

Voices were heard as soon as I stepped in, and an unbelievably amazing scent filled my nose, accompanying a voice. The voice descended the stairs, and I realized what was about to happen, but it was too late.

Coming down with my brother and father, were the Alpha and Beta of the Blood Moon Pack. They both dressed in a casual pair of dark fitted jeans, with a grey v-neck t-shirt, except the Alpha was wearing a black one. I had yet to look into their eyes, knowing the consequences that would take place if I did.

My wolf whined inside me and his scent hit me even harder as they got closer to where I was standing. This instantly had me opening my eyes, where the first thing I was met with was a pair of bright blue eyes. The world had suddenly stopped and before I could take it all back, he said the words that were enough to have my future falling down on me.



There goes chapter 2! Chapter thoughts? Future predictions?? Comment below and let me know what you think! 

Picture of Alpha Liam to the side--->





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