Chapter 13

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Diana's POV

I was trapped. Everything was black, except for the metal bars caging me inside that were shining due to the light on the outside. However I couldn't see the light. I knew it was out there. Beyond the bars, it was illuminating the bars after all, but all I could see were the bars, nothing beyond it. I walked towards the bars, but I couldn't quite reach them. It was as if some invisible source was pushing me back. No matter how hard I tried to get back out, I couldn't. The cage was spinning, and there was no escape route.

Voices were coming from the outside of the cage, grasping my attention back to the light beyond the bars.

"She's been raped, and severely beaten Alpha. We can't tell how long she's going to be in a coma." A growl followed the source of the voice before a loud bang was heard.

The voices confused me at the beginning before I realised that they belonged to none other than my mate and most probably the pack doctor. Which could only mean that either I was dreaming and I had been miraculously saved by my mate and was now in the process of healing in a coma or that I had actually been saved by my mate and was actually in the process of healing in a coma? The first option sounded more believable but the idea of the second option being true made my heart speed up.

I realised that being in a coma felt exactly being stuck in a cage with no escape whatsoever, and as much as I tried to push myself forward to find out the truth of what was happening to me, I failed miserably.

Suddenly my mind wandered back to the doctors words. Liam had surely stormed out of the room after hearing the news. Was it because he was disgusted by the fact that I had been raped? Or was it because he was simply angry? Questions rose and rose in my mind, making me push me even further to escape my state. However I still failed.

The voices had returned, but this time it was only one voice. A voice I had not expected to hear and was slightly disappointed to hear.

"Hey Diana, I know you most probably can't hear me right now, and I probably don't know you long enough but I just want you to know that... we are so sorry. We are so sorry we didn't get to you in time. Liam's been killing himself and drowning in a pit of guilt. He went absolutely crazy when he found out you were taken by the rogues. He did everything to find you Di. I've never seen him so...broken." I could feel Jenna's hand grasp mine as her words digested in my mind. "The pack misses you Di, and so does Liam. Even though he doesn't show it, I know he does. Please wake up soon" A few moments of silence covered at the end of her speech before her land left mine and I heard her footsteps guide her outside my room.

It wasn't long before another presence was present in the room, and my heart started beating rapidly again, my wolf hoping for it to be her mate.

Unfortunately, it wasn't. It was Simon.

"Hey Dee" he started "please just wake up. I don't know how to express in words how sorry I am that this happened to you, but we need you back. We need our Luna back. Please" I could hear his slight sobs, which broke my heart completely. I wanted to get back to them, but no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't. I would just have to wait until I was completely healed in order to see their faces again. Even though I had no idea how long that would take.

Agonizing hours passed by, yet there was no sign at all of Liam in the room. Which could only mean one thing: he really didn't care about me.

With that thought, I drifted off into the darkness of the cage, feeling unwanted and rejected. 


Short chapter, but there was not much to tell! Next chapter will be long I promise! Chapter thoughts?? Future predictions? Comment below and let me know what you think!

Picture of Simon to the side--->





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