Chapter 1

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Diana's POV

There is a time in everyone's life where one just wishes to be set free, to able to fly like a bird and explore the world on their own account, without anybody to stop them or show them the limits. Weather that's a werewolf such as myself, a fellow human being or even non-shifter animal, everyone desired their freedom.

I was only fifteen, when the urge to explore the world had kicked in. I remember sitting in the kitchen of the pack house, my parents and brother sitting on the other side of the counter, waiting for me to express what I had called them for. It wasn't a surprise to me when my father had gotten up from his chair with a blast, throwing a temper tantrum at me, explaining the dangers of the human world to me, but what they failed to realise was that they were as human as the others were. Werewolf, a term that suggests a human with the ability to shape shift. Nevertheless, after countless attempts of talking to my parents, with lots of help from my dear brother, my parents had reluctantly allowed me to go. Of course, none of that would have happened without any conditions; calling every day, not drinking, no messing around, you know, the usual.

So here I was, four years later, sitting next to my best friend in the human world, Simon King, bidding him farewell as I departed back to Chicago to visit my pack and family for the first time in four years.

Simon and I had parted from our long hug and looked back each other.

"Call me everyday" he repeated for the nth time. I chuckled at his concern, nodding my head shortly.

"Yes Simon, I shall call you every day. Don't go chasing boys when I'm not around" I commented, picking up my bag from the floor.

"I can't make any promises" he replied, one last time before giving me a wink as I disappeared through the gates of security check.

It hadn't come as a surprise to me when Simon had told me he was gay, in fact, the news excited me even more knowing that I could have a male best friend and not have to go through the cliché falling for the best friend drama. He was also rather helpful in the matter of boys and their true intentions anytime we were at a club or bar. It felt like having a female best friend with all the knowledge on the opposite sex.

With those thoughts, I entered the flight, seating myself on the uncomfortable leather seats, strapping my seatbelt on, ready to face the people I hadn't seen for four years, my family.


"Oh my dear! You look so grown up!" My mother exclaimed, pulling me in for a grand hug. Comfort consumed me at the familiar embrace of my mother, and soon, I found myself thrown into another tight hug by my father.

"I'm so glad you're back princess, we have missed you" I looked up to my daddy, shooting him a wide smile.

"I missed you too daddy." Looking behind him, I found my brother eagerly waiting, with his wife and Luna, Alyssa, who was holing a little kidl in her arms, and that little kid was my niece, Jane. I shot my brother and sister-in-law a proud smile as I walked straight up to the small figure smiling in Alyssa's arms.

"Oh, she's so cute. How old is she?"

"Two" My brother replied from beside me,Jane held up two fingers at that, making me chuckle. My eyes glowed with happiness as I picked Jane in my arms, her tiny arms instantly reaching out to grasp my hair in her miniature hands.

"Hey Jane" I cooed, holding the fragile figure in my arms. Jane giggled, holding on to me tight. She had the same piercing blue eyes Alyssa had, and the light shade of brown hair that my brother, Chace had. I passed my niece back to my brother, greeting him and his wife before we all gathered into the dining room to have dinner.


"So how is the human world? I want all the details" Alyssa had exclaimed, as we sat on the living room couch, a movie playing in the background.

"Well, it's great. When I first arrived, I thought that it might not be what I expected it to be, but I sure as hell didn't regret leaving Al, it's wonderful. The humans are so dedicated on their jobs, and it really is fascinating how they can fit everything into their lifestyle, I mean hours of jobs, date's, health, fitness. I absolutely love it. Especially my job, working with famous people, it brings me so much joy, and then there is my best friend, Simon who I had told you about. He's great, I just love working with him." I rambled, watching Alyssa's amused expression.

"That all sounds wonderful Di, I'm so happy for you. So what made you come and visit?" She asked me out of the blue,

The question was simple, but the answer was slightly complicated. There was a reason I had decided to come back, even if it was just for a visit. My face had turned pale as I looked away from Al.

"I don't know Al, one day I'm happy and running in wolf form in the woods near my house and the next my wolf is begging me to come back" she frowned, her expression as confused as I was.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, one day out of the blue my wolf had been begging me to return, and when I denied, she disappeared. She just left, and shut me out. Every time I would try and shift, she wouldn't let me. After a whole week of trying, I had agreed on coming back for a visit, that is when she had returned. Though she never told me the reason why, so here I am now, back on to the Blue Moon territory." I shrugged.

"That's so odd, I wonder why she would do such a thing" She had commented, mostly to herself as she thought to herself.

The bang of a door was heard before a few angry voices followed it. Al and I had gotten up from our places on the couch and dashed upstairs, only to find Chace pacing his office angrily.

"Chace, what's wrong?" Al asked, going up to his side, her touch instantly calming my brother down.

"I just received a phone call from a pack, wanting to visit our lands for a meeting." He replied through his gritted teeth.

"What's wrong with that? Which pack is this?"

"It's not just any pack, it's the Blood Moon Pack" 


There goes the first chapter of the third book in the series! Hope you guys liked it!! What do you think is the deal with the Blood Moon Pack? Chapter thoughts? Future predictions? Comment below and let me know what you think! 

Picture of Diana to the side--->





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