I walked over to her and hugged her tightly. "Hi babe."

She leaned down to kiss me as she wrapped her tattoo covered arms around me. Ironically over the years she's become accustomed to getting a new tattoo as often as she could. I loved it, tattoos looked amazing on her.

"Hey beautiful. How was your interview?" She asked before our lips met.

I sighed. "They asked that one question that everyone asks; can you tell us how you went from Video Vixen to uprising indie/pop singer?"

Dinah smirked. "Haven't they read your book? I guess not. Come on Everyone is here."

"Ally and Lance even?" I asked.

Two years ago, Ally and Lance relocated to Texas where Ally decided to become a high school teacher. Word on the street is she's the meanest but the kids absolutely adore her. Lance became a judge which suits him well. They ended up having a third child whom they had named Lucas Josiah and the twins have grown a lot as well. Still trouble makers though but cute ones of course.

"Yes, they're here"

"What about Camila and Normani?"

Normani and Camila were doing great. Camila quit modeling and went to college for an Arts Major. Everyone thought it was silly but its really paid off for her. Now she's making great money working with Disney, Cartoon Network, and anyone else who wants her to come and work with them on creating new projects. She even does voice characters from time to time. Normani finally passed her bar exam after 5 attempts. Now she's winning cases back to back and is on her way to becoming one of the best women attorneys in California. Devon and Lyla are growing up as well and are definitely Normani's and Camila's pride and joy.

Dinah shook her head. "They all caught Lyla's cold. They send there love though. Taylor is here if that makes you feel any better."

I smiled at the mention of my sister's name. She had gotten her new heart a month after our wedding and two years later she joined the Olympics like she said that she would. Swimming has always been her thing so that's what she did. Last year she won her first gold medal and since then she's been unstoppable.

"Yay, alright let's get this over with I'm ready to go home and spend time with you guys."


The release party was for my new album entitled Chapters. Basically the album included songs about life lessons and about everyday situations. I've already had 5 hits from the album and pretty soon I'd be going on my very first tour. After the release party Dinah and I gathered our children and headed home.


As usual, we made it a thing of ours to have movie nights where we'd all get to pick the movie for the night. Tonight was Dinah's turn and of course she picks The Lion King. Gabby and Giovanni loved it but Stella's never seen it. So of course when she cried about Mufsa dying Dinah got a big kick out of it.

"Dinah, stop laughing at her. Lulu come here."

She climbed into my lap and pouted. "Mommy, I don't wanna watch this no more. Can we watch Sesame Street?"

I smiled and kissed her forehead. "Here watch it on my phone. Guys are you hungry?"

A chorus of yeses were heard.

I stood. "How does Tacos sound?"

The kids cheered and Dinah gave me a thumbs up.

Video Vixen. (Laurinah Fic) [Completed.]Where stories live. Discover now