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May 19th, 9:30 AM
Miami Florida.


"Flight 072712 Delta to Miami Florida will be landing in 5 minutes! Please fasten your seat belts and thank you for flying with us today"

This is it...

My monthly flight back home to visit the one person who mattered to me the most. My baby sister Taylor. She's my world, my best friend, and to know that I could lose her at any moment hurts. I don't know how I'll survive without her but I promised her that I'd stay strong. I've always been strong. At least I'd like to think that I've always been.

A part of me should have just stayed in Florida, but Taylor wanted me to live my life and not worry about her so much. How could you not worry about your 16 year old sister whose had a bad heart since birth, and was born addicted to drugs? sucks. But my life as a whole sucks even more.

Life for me was never fair, at least not in the beginning. I never met my dad...but according to my crack addicted mother my dad was just a 'fuck for a fix' and then I happened. Just like Taylor, I was born addicted to drugs. Luckily for me, I didn't have any other health issues, of course I can't say the same for my sister. For the first 5 years of my life, my mother and I slept in abandoned buildings, showered in restaurant bathrooms, she's sold me at least 20 times for bad drugs, and she even nearly drowned me once...or twice.

Then when I turned 6 I 'accidentally' told an officer that my mother was strung out somewhere on a park bench after he had found me wandering alone in a park. For two years I lived with my cousin Ally's parents. Why they didn't take me in the beginning still beats me.Maybe they just felt sorry for me. Two years go by and my mother just magically appears to claim me back. Even if I had a choice I couldn't protest to going with her. My aunt and uncle didn't want me as far as I knew.

Going back with my mom wasn't so bad. She had an apartment, I had my own room that she had decorated for me. My mother was different, she had a job at a diner, she would always take me places, and the biggest thing that I noticed was the fact that there were no drugs around. It stayed like that for months, nearly a whole year even until Taylor is born going through withdrawals. I knew then that my mother had been using again. A part of me wanted to be mad at her for starting again but who was I kidding? I was a 10 year old girl who hoped for a fairy tale ending that would only end up being a nightmare.

The drug use and drinking got worse. She lost her job, and she had gone back to her old ways of doing what she had to do for money. Mom tried her best to take care of Taylor but it was hard especially since she was in and out of the hospital a lot. Thank goodness that mom knew Taylor's dad. He was a bus driver that she fucked for a free bus ride...pathetic I know. He helped out with Taylor for a while until he skipped town.

On Taylor's second birthday, mom went out to get Taylor a cake and she asked me to wait with her. You'd think that since the store was about 5 minutes away from where we lived that it wouldn't take mom long to get back. I figured that she had gotten lost on her way there or some shit but three days past and I knew that one of two things happened. She died or she left us. For Taylor's sake I stuck with my first mind of Mom leaving us. Hell she could be dead by now right? I mean I haven't seen her since then and I'm 26 now so it's possible...I wouldn't be surprised.

Since I was only 12 when mom left, I knew that I couldn't take care of a sickly child on my own so I packed what I could for her and for me, and I walked to the police station, I calmly explained what happened with my mom and my sister and I were instantly placed into foster care. Within 6 months a kind lady by the name of Sasha came to take us home with her. Things from that point on got better. Sasha adopted us within a year and she loved us and cared for us as if we were hers. Even showed us off to her friends and family. Sure I love the woman, but Taylor loved her more. I didn't belong there, I felt alone, maybe because Taylor got the most attention, I understood why so I wasn't upset with her. Sasha made sure that I got the best education. School was where I felt happiest, even if I only had Camila by my side. She and I met in the 8th grade. We instantly connected and she knew everything about my life, she never judged me, and I went to her for everything. We even dated at one point in high school but we were too much like sisters to continue a relationship. It just felt weird. Luckily that didn't stop us from being great friends.

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