Chapter V

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Lycus led me to the back of the house having successfully enlisted me in dish duty. Like the rest of the mansion, the kitchen was beautiful. Two iron chandeliers hung from giant, wooden beams, casting a warm glow over the room. Dark cabinets lined the cream-colored walls and in the middle was an island that a basket full of fruit sat on.

There were two other doors. One opened up to four small stairs leading down into a pantry. There wasn't any processed food. When I asked why Lycus just said that Ire "got anal about what we put in our bodies" and then laughed for a solid five minutes. The other was a stable door. The top part was opened, letting in a gentle breeze and giving us a nice view of the giant vegetable garden outside, Ire's pride and joy. Though Tate had a way with plants, Lycus said Ire wouldn't let him use any magic on it.

We were washing the last few dishes when he spoke up.

"You look like you're about to cry." I glanced away from the plate in my hands to Lycus who was giving me a worried look. When I didn't respond, he cleared his throat.

"What they said... well, don't get the wrong idea. No one's angry at you." I set the plate aside and grabbed a new one, frowning.

"It sure seemed like it." He let out a sigh.

"Well, yeah, we were angry, but it was with your family, not you." I gave him a confused look, "Uh, well normally parents don't do those things with their kids and I get that you see nothing wrong with it since you grew up that way but..."

"So what you're saying is that I'm not normal...?" He snorted.

"Hun, none of us here are normal. You're just a different flavor of crazy." I smiled at that, the thought of being a flavor was amusing, especially given the business I was in. My smile vanished a moment later, though.

"Tate seemed really upset... and Nikoli gave me a punishment." He fidgeted like he was debating whether to say anything or not.

"Well... let's just say that Tate had a real bad experience with his parents. As for Nikoli... it was less of a punishment because you did something wrong and more that he's just trying to make you understand something."

"Understand what?"

"Ah ah ah," He wagged a soap covered finger at me, grinning, "I'm not telling. Nikoli would have my ass if I did. You're just going to have to put up with it until you figure the lesson out." His expression was suddenly serious and his eyes burned with such an intensity that my heart began to pound in my ears. His gaze traveled down my body before coming back up to meet my own, "It's going to be hell for the rest of us, though, seeing as we can't do anything."

He leaned in, stopping an inch away from me and I licked my lips, watching as his eyes seemed to burn hotter at the action.

I jumped as I felt hands wrap around my waist and a body press against me. Craning my neck, I looked into the stormy grey eyes of Ire.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Before I could stammer out an excuse Lycus pressed his own body against mine, sandwiching me between them.

"Exactly what it looks like." He replied.

They were both a head taller, easily able to trap my small frame. They looked at each other a moment before their lips closed the distance. I felt power surge through me and I let out a soft moan, making them part and look at me curiously.

My cheeks reddened as I felt something poke me on both sides, only increasing the amount of power entering my body.

"S-sorry, but this type of stuff affects me..."

"Well, I'd hope so," Ire smirked before he leaned down, connecting his lips with mine and sending a wave of passion that rocked my body to its core. My annoyance with his misunderstanding evaporated as his tongue gained entrance to my mouth.

The Art of Sin (Unedited Version)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें