The Alternate Story

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"You wanted to meet me?" Ariane said. Anthony had called her out to meet in a parking lot that was 45 minutes outside of Seattle. They stood outside in the cold air, Anthony in front of his truck and Ariane leaning on the hood of her car. "Did you tell her?"

"Ariane...we can't keep this up anymore. We have to end this." Anthony said.

"Excuse me" Ariana said leaning in with her arms crossed.

Anthony sighed. He knew what was about to happen here. "Whatever we had is over. I'm sorry. I can't let this go on."

Ariane shook her head in disbelief. "'re picking her over me?"

"She's my wife. This has been a mistake. You are a great person and I've enjoyed you but... I can't do this to her, not anymore." Anthony said.

"You told me you loved me." she weeped.

"I know what I said. But I've disrespected her and desecrated our marriage. I can't live this life and hurt her." Anthony said.

Ariane's tears stung her face. She didn't want to let go of Anthony. "You can't leave me. You said you loved me."

"And at the time I may have. But Rayna is my wife. I'm not going to keep hurting her. She deserves better and I'm giving her better by ending this." Anthony said. "I'm sorry. I wish you the best and I hope you find someone that can do a better job than I did. Goodbye, Ariane." Anthony said. He got in his truck and hurried home. He walked in his bedroom to see Rayna fast asleep in bed. He gently pulled back the covers from her and got on his knees. He kissed her stomach and put his hands over where his child was. "Daddy's going to do better. I'm going to make your mommy happy and you're going to be a happy baby, okay? We're going to be a beautiful family as soon as you get here. It's by the grace of God we are going to have you...I hope He knows how much I've been wanting a kid because you are the greatest blessing of all. I love you." Anthony whispered before kissing Rayna's stomach.

"It's going to love you too" Rayna said coming out of her sleep. Anthony took her hand and kissed it.

"Baby, you have no idea how grateful I am." he said. "We're going to have a family."

"What do you want it to be?" she asked.

"A boy. I want an Anthony Jr. Just like you said." Anthony said.

Rayna giggled. "Okay. We'll have Anthony Jr."
"I still can't believe how big you are. You're only 7 months." Alexis said. Rayna's feet in her lap.

"Yeah. Sometimes I feel like the baby should already be here." Rayna said rubbing her stomach.

"You may not want to rush him. Especially not in your condition." Terry said.

"Hey, relax. Just because it may take a little extra to get him here doesn't mean he won't be perfect." Anthony said coming over handing Rayna a bottle of water.

She took a swig and her face twisted. "I need to get up. I have to go to the restroom." Anthony helped Rayna up, regardless if she needed it or not. Rayna waddled to the nearest restroom and did her business.

"Well, Anthony looks like everything is going to work out." Terry said.

"Yeah. We're in a great place right now and I'm so happy." Anthony said.

"Good. Let's hope it stays that way." Alexis said lifting her margarita glass to him. Rayna came out of the restroom just as the doorbell rang.

"I got it!" Rayna yelled.

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