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Ariane was all Anthony had on his mind. He'd dream about her, think about her, see her. He'd looked at Rayna and sometimes he'd struggle not get the names mixed up. Anthony wanted to taste her lips. He urged to touch her again. It was almost like he needed her. He could barely go five minutes without sending her a text. He'd jump when he heard his text tone go off. The only word to describe Anthony was sprung.

He picked up the phone and called Ariane.

"Hey." Ariane said. "I was just about to call you."

"I've been thinking about what happen between us that night." Anthony said.

"Anthony, we both were caught up in a moment." Ariane said. "If you regret anything..."

"I want to see you." Anthony said. "Can I come to your house after my workout?"

"Sure." Ariane said. "I'll send you my address."

"Alright. It'll be about 3 hours." Anthony said.

"I'll be waiting." Ariane said before she hung up.

Anthony got his stuff ready. Rayna was at work so he didn't need an alibi. When he got to the door, Teenie was laying down sleep in front of it. He tried to quietly open the door but, the security system beeping gave him away. Teenie woke up and stood attention.

Anthony snapped at Teenie for her to move but, she sat right there. Teenie was a smart dog. She knew what Anthony was doing and she didn't want him to leave the house.

"Move." he said. Teenie growled back at him. Anthony dropped his stuff and went into the kitchen. He found her bowl and put food in it. Usually, if she heard the sound of food being put in her bowl, she'd run for it. Not this time.

Anthony brought the bowl out to her and she still didn't make a move. He groaned and glared at her. Teenie barked back. "I didn't want to do this." Anthony grabbed onto Teenie's collar and nearly dragged her to the backyard, bringing her bowl with him. He closed the back door and locked it. She growled at him as he left.

Anthony had a very grueling workout. He usually had those when he was under stress. All that was on his mind was Ariane.





She had a hold on him. A hold much stronger than Rayna's. Her taking a breath was enough to make Anthony lose his balance. He was so in love.

All the while there was a small, small part that was tearing Anthony apart for cheating on Rayna. This part even told him to tell her of his infidelity. Though, Anthony couldn't. He soiled their marriage and he wasn't even man enough to admit his mistakes. The old Anthony would've admitted to this. No, the old Anthony wouldn't be thinking about another woman. The old Anthony had a taste of temptation and didn't like it. That Anthony new better.

This Anthony was destroying his marriage and himself over a woman that shouldn't even be a factor. He gave Ariane control and now she was going to ride him until the wheels fell off.

After his workout, Anthony hightailed it to Ariane's condo. He knocked on the door and waited patiently. The door opened with Ariane on the other side. She smiled at him and let him in.

"It's good to see you." Ariane said.

"Good to see you, too." Anthony said closing the door.

Ariane was about to bring him in for a hug but, instead Anthony pulled her in for a soft kiss. Ariane kissed back and pulled away. She grabbed onto Anthony's arm and pulled him along. They talked and conversed, playing with each other's hands, feeling on each other. He was laid up in bed with Ariane just how he used to be with Rayna.

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