In Due Time

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Anthony woke up with something heavy weight on his right arm. He rubbed his eyes and turned his head to see his girlfriend of 3 years, the gorgeous Rayna. He slowly pulled his arm from her, eased out of bed, eased out of bed, and put a pillow in his place. He slipped on some work out clothes and grabbed his phone. As he walked downstairs, Anthony heard the barking of Teenie, their German Sheperd.

He quickly went to her and petted her. "Ssh, you don't want to wake mommy up. Be nice and I might let you have the last of those ribs." he said. Teenie licked his chin in response. "Good girl." he said. He walked out the house and went for his morning run.

The NFL football season was about to start soon and he had a team to carry on his shoulders. All eyes were on him and his city was looking for one more season. He was the youngest quarterback to make it to 3 SuperBowls in a row. Of course, only winning 2 he still was branded the best quarterback the NFL has seen in a while.

After an hour, Anthony walked back into the house. He walked past Teenie who was munching on those ribs he promised her. He knew instantly that Rayna was up and was hit by the smell of the amazing breakfast that was ready for him. Anthony knew the routine.

He sat down at the breakfast table across from the kitchen. Rayna walked out and put a warm plate of waffles, scrambled eggs, 3 pieces of chicken sausage and a small bowl of fruit. He watched Rayna as she put syrup and silverware on the table.

"Good morning" she said in a sweet voice. She leaned down and kissed him. Anthony kissed back then pulled away

"Thank you, baby." he said.

"How was your run?" she asked head back to the kitchen to get her plate.

"It was ok, same as always. Hey, Ray can you get me a..." he started. Anthony was cut off by Rayna putting a bottle of melon powerade in front of him. He laughed. "This is why I love you so much. You know me all too well"

Rayna sat down. "Well, three years will do that"

Anthony smiled. He thanked God everyday for her. They felt like they were made for eachother. They could say that. Anyone could say that.

After they ate breakfast, Anthony got in the shower. After he felt clean, he opened the door to get out the shower. He looked out to see that his towel was missing. He looked at Rayna who was standing in the doorway. She was swinging the towel back and forth. "Forget something, sweetheart."

Anthony stuck his hand out. "Hand it here."

"Come get it." she said shyly.

Anthony took a deep breath. "Meet me halfway."

Rayna smirked and eased off the wall. Anthony grabbed his junk and eased out of the shower. Rayna laughed and tossed him the towel. "You're such a prude!"

"It's not being prude. It's being reserved." he said wrapping the towel around him.

Rayna sat on the edge of the bathtub. "I know. Not until marriage." she whined.

"Uh-huh. You know so why are you heckling me?" Anthony said picking up his toothbrush.

"Sigh, I just want a little more to us." she said.

"A little more? What's more?" he asked breaking from brushing his teeth.

"Nothing...don't worry about it." she said.

"No, tell me. What do you want?" he asked.

"I just want our relationship to go forward. Three years and we're just..." she said.

"Rayna, in due time." he said. "Wait, a little bit longer."

"Ok. I'll try"

Anthony left for training camp and Rayna invited her friend, Alexis, over.

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