Trial and Error

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Anthony and Rayna had an appointment at a fertility clinic. Even after Rayna got off of her birth control, she was still not becoming with child. Anthony was trying to be patient but, was disappointed they were not conceiving. Anthony wanted a child at their earliest opportunity and he felt like his window was closing. He wanted Rayna to be pregnant before he went back to playing football.

Rayna had been calculating her ovulation days but, something wasn't right and that scared her a little. She wanted to be healthy and hopefully this visit would provide answers.

They weren't waiting long once they checked in. Anthony and Rayna were called to come to the doctor's office at the back of the facility.

"Hello, My name is doctor Vanessa Hastings. Come in." the woman said. Rayna and Anthony sat down on the chairs in front of the doctor's desk. "So, let's start with a few questions. How long have you two been trying to have a child?"

"Well, I've been off my birth control for 3 weeks." Rayna said.

"And we understand that babies take time but, we're just really eager to start a family." Anthony said.

"Ok. Well, how is everything in bedroom?" Vanessa said writing down things on the paper.

Anthony and Rayna looked at each other and smirked. Anthony took Rayna's hand and said, "I love my wife."

"Well, that's great." the doctor said. "How frequently do you guys have intercourse?"

"Um, you...Can we guarantee your absolute discretion?" Anthony said.

"Mr. Steele, I assure you. I am nothing if not discreet. We've handled other well known figures. We are all adults and you are save here." the kind doctor said.

"Well, in that case the answer is a lot." Rayna said.

"Do any of you smoke or drink?" Vanessa said writing things down.

"I drink every now and again. Nothing major." Rayna said.

"Ok. What about recreational drugs?" Vanessa said. Anthony looked at Rayna who had a bit of spooked look on her face. "It's best to come clean now."

"Okay! Okay! In high school, in college and during the first year of our relationship, I smoked weed." Rayna said.

"How much?" Vanessa said.

"Is that a necessary question?" Rayna asked.

"It helps." the doctor said. Rayna turned to Anthony who was watching her like a hawk.

"A lot. I mean it wasn't everyday it was just...often." Rayna said.

"Ok. Any medications or steriods I should know about?" Vanessa said taking notes.

"Nope." Anthony said.

"Exposed to radiation, lead, chemicals or pesticides?" the doctor asked.

"No." Rayna said.

"How big of a role does stress play in your lives?" the doctor asked.

"Not a big one." Anthony said.

Dr. Hastings asked a few more questions and once she finally had all the information she felt like she needed, it was time to get down to the nitty gritty.

"Well, we are going to start out with a few simple tests." Dr. Hastings said.

"What's first?" Anthony asked.

"Well, we need to you, Mr. Steele, to give us a sample of your baby juice. And Mrs. Steele needs to give us a little bit of blood. These samples will help us get an idea as to what is going on." Vanessa said. "So, shall we get started?"

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