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Today is the day.

This was the day where Anthony would prove to the world that the Seahawks were on top. It was the NFC Championship game against Green Bay. That and this was the game where Anthony would proposed to Rayna in front of the whole world.

A lot of pressure was on Anthony's shoulders. This was one of the most important days of Anthony's life. His heart was ready to burst out of his chest and run away to God knows where. He got knots in his throat, shakes in his nerves, his muscles tightened. He didn't know what was making him nervous. The game or proposing to Rayna. He left early to talk to the workers at the stadium to set up the post game surprise. They were instructed not to talk about it, tweet about it, nothing. They would deliver the box that held the ring onto the field just as she was supposedly to join him. This was it, Anthony thought. He was excited and a wreck at the same time. Even Terry couldn't calm him down.

"You need to relax." Terry said softly. Anthony paced up and down the locker room.

"You don't get it. This is huge. I've never been this nervous in my whole life." Anthony said rolling his wrists.

"I can see that. Look, this is just like any other game." Terry said.

"Not it's not. " Anthony said walking faster. "If I lose this game for us, then we'll be criticized and laughed at. If Rayna says no..."

"Stop. Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop." Terry said grabbing his shoulders holding him in place. "First of all, you walking back and forth makes me nervous. Secondly, this is like any other game. You are going to play like it's every other game, and you are going to win like it's every other game. After that's done, you, my friend, are going to propose to Rayna. She will say yes. Then, it is going to be the best day of your life."

"You're sure about this?" Anthony said.

"Yes. Now, sit down. Listen to your music, relax. It will all be fine." Terry said.

Anthony put his Bose headphones on and relax as he tossed a ball around in his hands.

Rayna hugged Anthony's family as they entered the booth. She paid for them to fly to Seattle. She wanted to surprise Anthony today plus if anything went wrong they'd be there to cheer him up. Everyone was on edge, but Rayna wasn't worried. She knew Anthony would do great this game.

"So, do you and Anthony have any plans after the game?" Marian, Anthony's mother asked.

"No. I'm sure Anthony will be tired, so we'll just be at home." Rayna said.

"Oh, Rayna" Alexis said tapping her. Rayna looked to Alexis for her to direct her attention to the security guard in the door way.

Rayna walked up to him. "Yes?" she said

"Mr. Steele asked for you to be on the field at the end of the game." he said.

"Ok. Thank you." she said going back to her company.

"What was that?" Allen Jr. asked.

"Anthony wants me on the field when the game ends." Rayna said sitting down. "Why don't y'all come down with me?"

"You sure?" Kendall said.

"Yes! He'd love to see you guys. He'll be so happy." Rayna said.

Anthony was feeling the pressure as he ran out of the tunnel. The crowd was hot and air was electrifying. This was it, Anthony thought over and over. His focus was so off. He was so distracted that Terry had to signal him that the National Anthem was playing. There was so much on his mind. It's just jitters, he told himself.

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