Chapter Ninety One

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Louis' running back into the hall a moment later, "car's right out front" he pants and Zayn smiles thankfully at his best friend, before he and Liam both help Doniya to her feet, her leaning heavily on Zayn as they walk slowly towards the doors. Doniya freezes and let's out another groan and Zayn looks at her worriedly, "can we move faster, that was my water breaking" Doniya hisses and Zayn shares a look with Liam before the two start helping Doniya along faster. It only takes them about three minutes to get out to the car and help Doniya into the backseat, both of them climbing into the front right after, "call me if you need anything" Louis calls and Zayn nods, closing his window as Liam pulls out of the parking lot. "How you doing back there?" Liam asks after a minute of driving, "about as good as can be expected, I think" Doniya bites and Zayn chuckles as Liam starts driving a little faster.

They pull up to the hospital five minutes later and Zayn's jumping out and running inside to grab a wheelchair before Liam has fully stopped the car. Liam helps Zayn get Doniya into the wheelchair before he kisses Zayn's lips "I'm gonna park, and I'll meet you inside" he hums climbing back into the car. Zayn pushes his sister into the hospital and towards the desk, "um, excuse me? She's in labour, her water has already broken" he says to the girl there, who's eyes widen and she jumps up from her chair coming around to assess Doniya. "We'll get you into a room right away, just hang on" the nurse says disappearing down the hall slightly. "How you doing?" Zayn asks and he knows it's a stupid question as soon as the words leave his lips. Doniya laughs humorlessly, "remind me never to do you any more favours" she growls and Zayn nods "will do" he agrees just as Liam comes jogging up behind them and the nurse returns, "follow me" she asks and starts walking, Liam and Zayn pushing the wheelchair after her.

The nurse leads them into a private room in the maternity wing of the hospital and tosses a gown onto the bed, before helping Doniya out of the chair and onto the bed. "How long ago did your water break honey?" she asks gently and Doniya winces, reaching out to grab onto Zayn's hand, "about twenty five minutes ago" Liam answers for her. The nurse nods her head and smooths back some of Doniya's hair "you get changed honey, and the doctor will be in, in a minute to assess you" she hums before leaving the room. Zayn moves to help Doniya to the bathroom but she swipes the gown out of his hands, "I can do this myself, thanks though little brother" she hisses and Zayn lifts his hands in surrender. Once he's sure Doniya is safely in the bathroom Zayn turns to see Liam on his phone, talking quickly to someone, "who was that?" Zayn asks as soon as Liam hangs up. Zayn watches as Liam loosens his tie and steps closer to wrap his arms around Zayn's waist, "our regular doctor, she'll be here as quick as she can" he answers. Zayn nods just as Doniya comes out of the bathroom in the gown and reaches towards them "can I get a little help?" she asks and Zayn grins as Liam moves quickly to help her up onto the bed.

Once his sister is settled on the bed. And the nurse has hooked her up to a fetal monitor, a doctor breezes into the room "hello I'm Dr. Rallings, how are we all doing tonight?" he asks. Doniya sucks in a sharp breath and Zayn turns to face her, "you okay?" he asks and Doniya nods, gritting her teeth. "So it says here your water broke about half an hour ago?" Dr. Rallings asks, "yes" Doniya mumbles and the doctor nods, "alright, I'm going to check to see how dilated you are, and then we can discuss epidurals" he explains, moving around to the foot of the bed. Zayn turns away from the bed when the doctor starts the exam really not wanting to see his sister like that. Zayn turns back to face the bed once the doctor moves to wash his hands, "alright, well you're dilated about four centimetres Doniya, which means we still have time to give you an epidural if you desire one" he explains. Doniya bites her lip and looks between Zayn and Liam, "Dee this is your choice, it's you who has to go through it" Zayn murmurs. "I think I'd like an epidural" Doniya murmurs, before she hisses again and grabs onto Liam's hand. Dr. Rallings nods, "I'll be right back then, try to relax" he says before leaving the room.

Zayn's pacing the hallway outside Doniya's room she's only progressed two more centimetres in the two hours they've been in the hospital, and the pain medications they've been giving her have been helping, but Zayn can tell she's still feeling the contractions. Zayn pulls his phone out of his pocket when it rings to see Louis calling him, "hey Lou" he murmurs and Louis chuckles, "we have your dog at ours, if you're wondering" Louis answers and Zayn laughs, he'd forgotten all about poor Aurora in all the commotion of the night. "Thanks Louis" he mumbles, "it's no problem. How's everything going?" Louis asks, and Zayn sighs, "slow, I don't remember this much waiting when Arabella was born" he mumbles and Louis laughs, "that's because you were too busy shitting your pants about the whole thing, how's Liam?" he asks. Zayn chuckles "a nervous wreck, every time Doniya blinks he's asking her how she's feeling and what's wrong" he answers. Louis laughs again "so typical first time father" he chuckles and Zayn nods, "pretty much" he answers. Zayn hears Liam calling him from in Doniya's room and sighs "I have to go, but I'll call you later Lou. Thanks again" Zayn murmurs before hanging up and heading back into the room.

When he enters the room he smiles lightly, Doniya is sleeping, although she looks uncomfortable still, and Liam is sitting in one of the two chairs. "Doctor says she's progressed to nine, so it's almost time" Liam hums making grabby hands at Zayn, who laughs and moves to sit on his husband's lap. "That's good" Zayn murmurs, snuggling into Liam a little as Doniya stirs on the bed and whimpers a little in pain, "guys, I think it's time" she huffs, hands moving to her stomach as Zayn jumps out of Liam's lap. Liam's out in the hall calling down the hall for help, and Zayn is reaching for his sister's hand, "thank you, again for this. It means a lot to me and Liam" he murmurs kissing his sister's forehead, Doniya whimpers but smiles at him, "you owe me little brother" she mumbles and Zayn chuckles "whatever you want" he laughs. Liam's back a moment later, their regular doctor in tow, she checks Doniya quickly and nods to the nurses in the room before turning to Zayn and Liam, "well Dads I hope you're ready, it's time" she says. "Alright Doniya when I tell you to I want you to take a deep breath and push, got it?" she asks. Doniya nods her head and grips onto Zayn's hand a little tighter, "alright here we go" the doctor says, moving back to between Doniya's legs. Zayn locks eyes with Liam over Doniya's head and grins, "here we go" he repeats and Liam just nods, Zayn smiles gently at his husband as he sees the tears in his eyes.

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