Kissing Booth

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"Heey pretty lady. How did Arlington High's baddest bitch get stuck inside a high school fundraiser kissing booth?"

"Mitchy!" Kirstie sagged with relief and got up to throw her arms around me. "Blame my drill sargent mother. I don't even know how this makes me a better daughter but honestly. The number of handsy twelve year olds I've kissed now is horrifying. Get me out of here, please?"

I pecked her forehead and squeezed her tight. "No can do, princess. Sargent Maldonado's orders. I'm just here to give you a quick break. You don't have to kiss me, I promise."

She giggled. "You'd hate that more than I would, hon." We both laughed at that.

"It's been awful though?"

"Yes, mostly. I've had some normal guys and some of the douchy guys from school and that's okay I guess but then come the twelve years olds and the forty-somethings." She pulled away from me and sighed, running her hands through her long golden locks. "Whose idea was a kissing booth anyway?!"

I made a face at her. "Yet another example of a sexist man's invention, I'm afraid. I wish I could help you, girlie. You shouldn't have to do this."

Kirstie rolled her eyes. "At least I'm getting my stupid volunteer hours done. I'm off in fifteen minutes anyway; you better bring me hugs and ice cream and we can get out of here!"

"You bet I will. We can run away and never come back..." I grinned at her uplifted expression and added, "at least until Monday." I peeked out the curtains at the line of waiting boys. "You're in luck girl. The hottest boy in all of Arlington just got in line with his friends."

"Mmm, Scott Hoying?" Kirstie joined me at the entranceway to see for herself. "Wonder where his shirt wandered off to?"

"Not sure I care all that much..." Who needs shirts at a fair anyway?

Kirstie giggled. "Bet you're jealous of me now, aren't ya? You've been in love with him for how long now?"

"No point in keeping track girl. Getting to kiss Scott Hoying would be worth putting up with a lot of BS in my book but jealous of being forced to be a part of this?" I waved my hand at the whole fair in general. "Uh, no." She raised her eyebrows at me and I huffed. "Fine but only a little bit. Listen, babe, I've gotta go, I've been here too long. Have fun kissing my crush, damn."

Kirstie had the grace to look more apologetic than amused. "I'll tell you how it was?"

I chuckled and kissed her cheek. "He better be nice to you."

I was about to leave when they heard a shout from one of the boys outside. "Hey Grassi, thought she wasn't your type! Hurry it up, I want my turn with her!" There was laughter from outside and I felt my face close in anger. I sat back down across from Kirstie so I wouldn't go and punch the dickbag out there who only thought of my best friend as a piece of ass.

"Just for that you get your break for a bit longer." Kirstie didn't argue. "I should replace you for his turn and see how he likes that!" Kirstie began to laugh and couldn't stop, and soon we were crying laughing and imagining the boys' faces if they went in expecting Kirstie and I was sitting there instead.

"Can we please do that to someone?" Kirstie begged. "It would be soo funny!" She gasped so loudly I jumped. "Can we do it to Scott? Please Mitch!" I probably looked like she'd hit me over the head with a bat.


"You mean hell yeah! Girl this is happening! Scott is in five boys, so you sneak in the back after the next five leave and we'll switch!"

I gaped at her. "I'm torn between 'this is so stupid it's stupid' and 'this will be hilarious'." But Kirstie was determined and I'd already half given up trying to get out of it.

"Mitchy it's perfect!"

"No it isn't! He's paying for a kiss from you and we all know he's not going to kiss me!"

"Then I'll come back in after! I just want to see his face. Please I will love you forever." I sighed in defeat.

"You would anyway." I let myself out the back and hit the bell signalling the next person's turn.

I bought a water bottle and sat down to watch the next five boys as they stumbled love-struck out the back of Kirstie's kissing booth. The fifth I stopped before he could ring the bell, and saying I was bringing Kirstie some water, I slipped in the back door.

Kirstin was waiting for me. Giggling already, she grabbed the bottle of water, kissed my cheek for luck and disappeared out the back. I turned to face the front as I heard Kirstie ring the bell behind me.

Scott walked in, eyes on his phone as he finished sending a text. I held my breath and tried not to laugh. He was two feet away from me when he finally looked up.

"Sorry, Kirstie, I just -" He stopped and I watched his ocean blue eyes widen, probably wondering if all his friends had really come in here and kissed me. Before I could stop myself, I smirked and raised an eyebrow. He stared at me, reading the dare, then surged forward and kissed me with no warning at all.

It was not a shy kiss. He pulled me flush against him, hands tugging at my hips and lips hot against mine. My mouth opened in a gasp of shock and he pushed himself closer still. My hands flew up to tangle in his hair - I couldn't help it - but he pulled back just enough that I could see his eyes as he mumbled my name.

"You're not Kirstie," he said, his voice almost husky.

"I can get her if you'd rather," I teased; his arms were still locked tightly around my waist.

"No actually I think we're good," he said. I leaned up to connect our lips again.

* * *

Hi friends,

Okay two things. One, are kissing booths really a thing?? I've seen them in movies and comics and stuff but like..??? Wtf? Lol

Two, holy crap y'all thanks for 100 followers! I NEVER thought I'd get any followers at all haha! I was going to post a special one shot I'd been working on for a while for you guys for the occasion but it got deleted like three days ago. RIP. Needless to say I was very upset, too upset to try to recreate it in time, but yeah that's why this is late lol. (Thanks for 102 followers lmao!)

Hope it's ok and have a fantabulous day my friends :)


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