Sign Language

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Okay yes, I was drunk. Again. But, in my defence, I was still getting over my ex and this was the best way I knew how. I know, I know. Don't lecture me.

The night started out as always - drinking and dancing at some bar with a bunch of my friends. I was having a good time until Kirstie insisted that I needed rest and so took it upon herself to bundle me into her car at 10:45 and drive me home. Granted, she was probably right - she usually is, but don't tell her I said so - but as per usual, I didn't agree with her. Drunk Mitch was certainly not happy to leave the dimly lit, overcrowded bar. I wanted excitement and fun and - lord help me - I wanted someone to take home.

We stopped at a red light next to some dirty city bus. I paused my complaining, letting my face slip into a pout to stare childishly out the window. Kirstie drummed her nails on the steering wheel and ignored me. (Also one of her specialties). I let my eyes wander over the the bus, people watching, when I saw that one pair of bright blue eyes had caught me staring. "Damn girl, could those eyes get any BLUER?" was my first thought. Second was "wait is 'bluer' a word?" Drunk me had a quick but fierce internal debate about this and decided that I didn't actually care. I looked past the eyes. Styled blond hair, nonexistent eyebrows, muscular shoulders, that jawline...
Holy... I debated pointing him out to Kirstie just to show him off, and I would have except that he was still looking at ME. He was laughing now, at me I thought, probably at how openly I was ogling him. Black pot and fucking kettle - or however that goes - but I was flattered. I also wasn't thinking clearly. The fact that he was possibly not even gay didn't occur to my alcohol impaired brain. I gave him a wink and a smile and then, as inspiration hit, raised my hand in the universal 'call me' sign. Kirstie looked over.
"What are you doing?" I grinned at the boy and then looked back at Kirstie.
"Noooothing!" I sang as I faced the window again. The blond boy laughed again and ran his hand through his hair. Woah, woah, I could do that for you babe. I waved my phone at him impatiently and his eyes widened as he realized I was serious about wanting his number. Kirstie leaned past me to see what I was so interested in out the window. The cute blondie grinned recklessly and signed his digits to me through the window. I entered the numbers into my phone just as the light changed.
Kirstie watched the whole exchange openmouthed. "Mitch I swear-"
"Focus on the road Kirst," I said, cutting her off with a wicked grin. "Hey catch up with that bus!" I'd lost sight of my new friend and I wanted to see if he'd given me the correct number.
Mitch: hey pretty boy
The bus pulled away from us to roll up to a bus stop, but not before I saw the boy look down as his phone lit up. Yess!
Kirstie glanced over at me and rolled her eyes. "You are unbelievable."
"Yeah but you loooove me." I almost interrupted myself when an unknown number lit up my phone. "Oh my gosh he texted me back!"
Unknown: hi cutiee
Kirstie parked outside my apartment. "Okay stop texting and go to bed! You need some sleep. And drink some water. And stop texting strangers, gosh! Are you listening to me?"
"Yeah, yeah, no strangers, water, bed," I answered without looking up from my phone. "Bye Kirstieee, thanks for the ride." I smiled at her and waved, and headed obediently up to my apartment door. It took me a minute to realize my door was locked. It took me another minute to realize I didn't have my key. Did I leave it at the bar? Could it have fallen out of my pocket? I didn't know; the night was kinda hazy for me. I stumbled halfway down the stairs and sat down in the middle of the staircase. It was then that I remembered that I was in the middle of a conversation with a very hot boy. I pressed call, possibly by accident, possibly on purpose.
To my delight, he picked up after only three rings of hesitation.
"Hey, it's Mitch." Oh yeah, he doesn't know that means me.. "The guy you just gave your number to on the bus?"
He laughed. "Ohh. Then hi Mitch, I'm Scott."
I listened to the sound of his laugh, picturing his face. There was a pause.
Right, Mitch, it's your turn to say something.
"This is fate. We should hang out," I said cleverly. Ugh, I was off my game.
"Like right now?" Scott asked. "And don't you think it's a little early in our relationship to call this 'fate'? I mean you don't even know my last name!"
I laughed at that for too long and for almost no reason.
"Unnecessary details." I waved them away with my hand even though he couldn't see. "And yes right now. I lost the key to my house and my ride left so.."
"Oh," he said, sounding actually concerned for me, a stranger. "Are you sure? I mean, you sound pretty drunk."
"Wow, rude! Of course I'm sure." But I checked again just in case. This predicament seemed like it should worry me more than it did. "It's okay though, because I didn't want to go home anyways."
"You need help," he tried to say seriously but I could hear the smile in his voice. "Okay here's my brilliant plan. You tell me where you are, and I'll come pick you up and help you get a hotel room for the night because clearly you need a place to crash. And I don't think you'd be able to get one by yourself."
Well he was not wrong...
"Deal!" I said happily. I told him to pick me up at the end of my street.
* * *
I was sitting under a stop sign at the end of the block when a nondescript grey car pulled up.
The passenger door opened. "Mitch? Get in, loser."
He looked just as delicious as before, and I had to forcibly stop myself from imagining things I wanted that sexy voice saying to me after hotel rooms had been purchased. I only stumbled a little as I climbed into his car and got comfortable. He grinned at me crookedly.
"Long time no see, blond bus guy," I teased.
"Already forgot my name, I see," he said, rolling his eyes. "Good thing it's written down."
I pretended offence. "Oh shut up, SCOTT. I'm not that wasted. Drive already. I don't have all day."
"Not till you buckle up," he said in a sing song voice. "Safety first!" His car, his rules. I did up the buckle and he pulled away from the curb.
"You have a nice voice," I mumbled.
"Uh huh."
"No seriously," I insisted. "And I'm great at singing, so you're getting compliments from a pro!" To be honest I was really just rambling at this point and I don't really remember what else I said. Some of it was teasing, a lot of it was flirting and all of it was fun. Time slipped by.
Midnight saw us just sitting in Scott's car, parked outside a random hotel and flirting shamelessly. We were ignoring the fact that sometime he had to leave and I had to go book a room. I had sobered up a bit, and was slowly realizing the path drunk me had laid out for myself. I wanted it still - maybe needed it is more accurate - but the liquid courage had faded a bit, leaving me unsure as to how to continue.
"Come inside with me," I started, not sure whether to hope he could tell the full extent of what I wanted or not. Scott looked at me in indecision, reading my expression, trying to gauge what I meant.
"How drunk are you, Mitchie?" He asked instead.
"Drunk enough to sit in a stranger's car until midnight," I answered, tilting my head a bit. "Come on." I laid my hand on the door handle.
"Wait, Mitch." I turned back to him.
He leaned in and carefully kissed my lips. I sat, frozen, and forgot my own name.
Scott's smile lit up the car. "Okay. Let's go then."
* * *
Embarrassingly, I stumbled on the way out of Scott's car and had to grab the door to steady myself. The tall boy looked at me askance, then his expression melted into amusement and he offered me his arm. Cute. Tucking my arm into his, I felt something close to electricity wherever our skin touched. It took me a second to form words but eventually I got out the teasing tone I wanted.
"Oh look who's playing the gentlemen now."
"I'm having second thoughts about this if you're just going to make fun of me," he grinned, starting to tug his arm back. I wasn't expecting that and it threw me off balance again, although granted that was easy to do between the drinks in my belly and the leftover lightheaded feeling I had from his kiss. With a noise in between a laugh and a sigh, Scott caught me.
"Remind me how I managed to end up babysitting a stranger?"
"M'not a stranger," I mumbled. "Fate, remember?"
"Right, yeah. Silly me." We entered the hotel and walked toward the desk. "Try not to look too drunk and homeless, okay?" He whispered in my ear. I shivered, his warm breath at my ears raising goosebumps on my neck. Belatedly, something clicked.
"I do not look homeless!" I protested loudly. Scott just chuckled and moved forward to get the desk clerk's attention. The girl at the desk took one look at Scott and turned a light shade of pink. She smiled, though, and twirled a strand of her hair as she talked. Winking a goodbye, she slid two keys across the counter to Scott. I rolled my eyes.
Scott gave one key to me along with a bad joke about how I should maybe try not to lose this one.
"Haha," I said sarcastically. "What floor?"
"Twenty-four. We'll have a great view!" The lopsided grin was there again, so that I almost missed hitting the UP button for the elevator. Nice one Mitch.
To my delight he followed me into the elevator, quite without me having to ask, leaning around me to press the button for the twenty-fourth floor.
As the door dinged closed, I turned around, planning to thank him for being so nice. Fate or not, he'd done much more for me than was required of someone I'd only just met. As I raised my chin to see his face, he looked down at me and my mind blanked as I read his expression. His eyes... Despite being in a rising elevator I felt like I was falling.
Unable to stop myself, I raised up to my tiptoes but even with the extra height I had to pull his head down to meet my lips.
The kiss burned my lips and something awoke deep inside my stomach. I barely knew anything about this man in front if me but I knew suddenly that I wanted to.
His arms circled my waist, pulling me closer. I felt my body meld into his and deepened the kiss. His hand followed the curve of my spine to the hem of my shirt and he traced the waistband of my jeans. Remembering that elevators can stop at any floor, I stopped his hand and pulled away from the kiss to rest my forehead against his. His eyes were still closed.
"Scott," I whispered. I watched his beautiful eyes open lazily and focus on me.
"What do you say we continue this in a slightly more private place?"
He closed his eyes again. "If you say so."
"The downside is that you have to wait for a minute or two more. The upside is that we won't be interrupted any more."
He hummed, not really listening, and moved his mouth to kiss just underneath my jaw hungrily.
"S-Scott!" I heard my voice shake and gave in. My hands moved of their own accord to tangle themselves in the golden locks as his lips returned to mine. I gasped into the kiss when he pulled me roughly into himself, forcing my arms to lock around his neck for balance. The elevator stopped and the doors opened with a ding. Neither of us moved, both still caught in the heat and intensity of the moment. He finally released me and I stumbled backward to catch the door before it closed.he followed me to the room we'd booked and I unlocked it. He hesitated.
"Can I- um do you want me to come in?"
It was only after I saw that his serious face that I realized that he was not joking.
What a dumb question, I thought.
"Of course, silly," I giggled. "Thought that was obvious." I closed the door behind him and kicked off my shoes. "We were in the middle of something!"

A day in the life - scomicheحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن