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It was my favourite type of night. They didn't happen often, although we both loved them, because they required a very particular setup. We'd finally gotten home after a long leg of tour, both of us absolutely exhausted and jet lagged, but too happy to be home to go to sleep just yet. I lounged on the bed in sweatpants and glasses, and Scott lay next to me, teasing me with words and tiny kisses.

"So are you going to marry that boy at the meet and greet?" He asked when his lips weren't busy. "He looked so nervous I thought you were going to buy him a ring." Scott looked so amused it was ridiculous. And adorable. I rolled my eyes.

"I almost did. He was one of our cuter fans." Scott frowned.

"He was okay I guess," he pouted, and his teeth were rough against my shoulder. I laughed and raised one hand to run over the smooth line of his jaw.

"Aw, someone jealous?" I pouted right back at him but let my eyes dance. "What can I say, he did ask me first, Sc-" His hand had slithered under my shirt and I had to interrupt myself. "Stop, stop, that tickles."

He didn't. "I know." He sucked hard at the base of my neck, holding my hands down when I tried to push his away.

"I hate you." My voice was breathless and I fell onto my back, my glasses falling too, and squishing my eyelashes. Laughing lightly, Scott pulled back to look at me and just looked and looked. I rolled over.

"Mitchy..." His head came to rest on my shoulder, but he couldn't keep still for long. One long arm wrapped around my waist and turned me slowly to face him.

Those deep azure-blue eyes still made me speechless, still trapped my breath, and still fried my brain after all this time. He kissed me slowly and I opened my mouth to him, tasting the sweet wine we'd opened when we'd gotten home. When he pulled back, I reached for him again, but he stopped me.

"Don't move for a sec?" I raised an eyebrow but did as he asked and I felt Scott lift the glasses off my nose. The bed shifted as he got up and shortly after I heard them clink on the dresser top. The room was a mess of fuzzy colour and bleary outlines.

"I think you've forgotten how blind I am," I called. His laugh was right next to my ear so I leaned forward to kiss him again but missed his lips by inches, feeling Scott's mouth curl up into a smile instead.

"Trust me," he murmured, raising a hand to touch my cheek. My eyes closed instinctively, but he stepped away again, the feeling of his hands on my face lingering.

"I do." My eyes had just reopened in time to see Scott freeze for a moment, just staring at me, before he turned and flipped the lights off. I was truly blind now, the smudge of light from the hallway throwing vague shadows across the room. I could no longer make out Scott's shape from the other dark silhouettes scattered on the walls.

There was a loud scraping sound and a tiny pinprick of light appeared. I squinted until the bobbing light sharpened into a match and a candle. By the first warm, flickering glow, I could just make out a row of candles along the bedside table that I hadn't noticed when I'd tossed my suitcases into the corner and flopped on the bed earlier. Scott murmured my name and I looked up at him, standing tall and dark against a blazing background. My eyes widened and Scott's beaming smile went out of focus. I wondered vaguely when he'd set this up.

He moved towards me, and nervousness rolled through my stomach as it always did when he looked at me like that. He noticed, as he always did, and lay down again very close, his eyes fiery blue as the candlelight winked in and out.

I felt his hand rest on my hip bone, tilting me into him, and an ache of desire sparked all the way down to my bones and I felt it burn to life. The lines between us blurred and we were kissing, his lips full and his body blazing with energy. I felt the sharp graze of his teeth on my bottom lip before he let it go and smoothed it over with a soft tongue.


"Mmm?" I was busy, kissing just about every part of him I could reach. I could see him up close and he was beautiful. I pressed closer. His torso shook as he laughed and his shirt disappeared and I just watched him move. Scott glowed in the low light, his thumb rubbing circles into my hips. "Mitch?" I could feel him through the material of my sweatpants. My head fell back as heat flowed over us; he buried his face in my neck.

"Baby, I-I..." The stutter finally got my attention. I slid my arms around his neck, kissing his hair. He finally pulled back to look at me but his beautiful face was desperately scared, although he tried to hide it. I was the one who got insecure, not him.


Rolling to the side he pulled himself on top of me and kissed me with everything he had. It was as if, without being able to see clearly, my sense of touch was heightened exponentially: it seemed like I could perfectly, almost painfully feel every ridge on his fingerprints as he curled his fingers, every drop of hot moisture in his breath on my neck, every centimetre of that gorgeous, golden body pushing into mine. I lost track of everything; the evening passed in a blur, quite literally.

As always, I forgot all my insecurities, but I also forgot about his until I rolled over a small box I hadn't seen before. I was too much of a needy mess to give it much thought, except that Scott had frozen again. His face was unreadable but from the thick waves of tension rolling off him I could tell that this wasn't nothing.

His mouth opened but no words came out. I didn't understand what was happening and I was so high on his body; I definitely wasn't thinking clearly. I flipped open the box and my heart almost stopped.

It was tiny and I held it up to the meagre light to read the engraved words on the inside.

Until the end of time.

"I will, you know," he said quietly. I tried to speak but this time it was me who couldn't find anything to say, and then he was on the floor in front of me.

"Marry me, Mitchy?" I didn't answer right away - I couldn't - and Scott told me later that he panicked and doubted everything in his world about twenty times over in fear that I'd say no. But everything in the room blurred except his face, and I was ready to make sure that never changed.

* * *

Did someone say fluff? Did someone say cheese??? Lol sorry about that

- Rue

A day in the life - scomicheWhere stories live. Discover now