Endings and Beginnings

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Kirstie pulled away from me, using the sheets to cover herself. "Mitch, I- I do love you but I don't think I can do this."

I bit my lip and released the breath I'd been holding. "I was about to say the same."

She hesitated. "You want to wait until we're ready?" She tried to keep her expression neutral but I could see the idea didn't appeal to her. I tossed her her shirt and pulled my own back on, trying to feel the disappointment I knew should be there. We'd waited ages for this chance; finally both our parents were away at the same time and we had the whole night to ourselves. It should have been perfect but it wasn't and all I could make myself feel was relief.

"I don't think time will help, Kitten." Was now the moment? I clasped my hands to hide their shaking and focussed on the gorgeous girl in bed across from me, trying for the millionth time to see what was there. I was so in my head, I didn't notice the tears until she was sobbing. "Baby..."

On any other day I would have pulled her into my arms, kissed her cheek, and petted her long black hair until the tears slowed, but I knew she would regret every touch after what I was about to say. Helplessly, I kept my distance and watched her, torturing myself. Why couldn't I just be able to love her properly?

"Mitch I can't have sex with you," she said, at the same time as I said reluctantly, "I don't think sex will ever work between us."

We both stopped and stared at each other. There was a look something like recognition on her face and I know it was mirrored on mine. Could she be...?

We stared until we saw the humour and cracked up. Here we were, both feeling guilty as hell for something neither of us could help. Society had indeed done a number on us. She sniffled and smiled and crawled forward to tuck herself into my side. I turned to kiss her hair.

GAY. The word didn't seem so hostile now that it applied to both of us.

"For the record, I really thought I was in love with you," I said. It's why I tried so hard to make it work. Kirstie sat up.


"Well, yeah. I like girls but I don't like girls, you know?" Obvious, redundant. But it felt so good to finally admit it out loud. Kirstie's hands flew up to cover her mouth.

"Holy shit..." I raised one eyebrow and took her hand.

"Why do you think we're not naked wrestling right now?" I was aiming to make her laugh or smile or something, but no such luck.

"You stopped us," she said in a tiny voice and a flag went up in my brain.

"No Kirst, you stopped us. I thought maybe... you were like me." I hated that out loud I avoided the word but I still did it.

"Oh no, Mitch, I like you just fine." There was a tiny bit of hurt in her voice disguised as best she could. "I thought you were like me..."

I tried but I didn't understand. "Why then?"

"I just... sex isn't for me." I looked blankly and she expanded, words falling out of her mouth like she'd held them back a long time. Dear God, I knew what that was like. "It sounds gross. Putting someone's dick in my mouth...? I can't imagine why people do that. And the rest of it... no. I don't like it and I don't want it. Ever." Embarrassed, ashamed, she fell silent. I tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and lifted her chin before remembering I shouldn't be so touchy; she loved me and I was breaking her heart, leaving her for an attraction she didn't understand.

"It's okay, Kit. You don't have to do anything you don't want to. Just wait, your perfect guy is out there somewhere." She sniffled. "Or, uh, girl." There was the smile I was looking for. It didn't last long though.

"I love you, Mitchy. But you're right, we're not going to work. I want you but not with sex and you want sex but not with me."

I flinched slightly at this oversimplification and it finally hit me that this was our break up. I wanted to cry but as always, Kirstie held me tight with the warmth in her eyes. "Best friends then?" I managed and she nodded. "I love you too, Kitten." I squeezed her hand and she kissed my lips for the last time. Both of us shed tears but when we embraced, we started to heal and from then on, loved one another even more than we had.

* * *
Really short but I'm in the middle of two big projects and this idea popped into my head and I couldn't shake it. I had to get this out so I can stop thinking about it haha! Also I think this is the shortest I've ever worked on a one shot. I feel very weird publishing something I wrote in about an hour and have been procrastinating by rereading and over editing hahaha :3

Also sorry it's not scomiche but I really can't picture Scott as asexual? Lol

Have a great day, lovelies <3


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2017 ⏰

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