The Break

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Well hello guys.. long time no see!

Uh, two things: First, when did this book get 1.4K reads??? I literally don't know how or when that happened but thank you all so much! The fact that people who don't know me are reading my little stories and liking them is kind of blowing my mind right now. Thank you for everything & I love you :)

Two, this one has a few jumps in time... So if a bunch of text is in italics and surrounded with these guys ~~, then it happened in the past. If you don't see this ~ , then it's emphasis or song lyrics as usual. Cool?

Okay, enjoy!

- Rue

* * *

"So we're... over?" Mitch's voice was very muted.

5 months, 30 days. Almost half a year. He couldn't believe they'd made it that far, honestly.

No. What he couldn't believe was that 5 months with someone you truly, deeply loved could be so difficult.

"Ugh, I hate the sound of that." Scott sat across the room from him, his head in his hands. He looked as broken as Mitch felt. The brunette ached to comfort him, to hold him and tell him it would be alright, but they were separated for once - Scott sitting on the end of the sofa on the armrest and Mitch at the far opposite end facing the tv - and he couldn't seem to find a way to close the gap.

"What else can we do? This isn't working!" Mitch got up and paced on his side of the room, feeling as if he was getting farther and farther away from his boyfriend. How could he have let this happen to them? And Scott, poor Scott... How could he do this to him? Whoever said all you need is love didn't know what they were talking about. Mitch loved Scott with all his heart, but that didn't stop the fights. It didn't stop the fact that they couldn't seem to trust each other. It didn't stop the jealousy...

Scott scrunched up his face. "I just- Can we not... I don't want to think..."

"Spit it out, Scott," Mitch sighed.

"I can't lose you," the blond said finally, lifting his head to look directly at Mitch. "I can't let the best thing that's ever happened to me slip through my fingers."

Mitch wanted to cry. He knew Scott cared about him, a lot, but when a relationship didn't work, it didn't work. He closed his eyes against the tears but instead memories came, dancing behind his eyelids, reminding him of what he had had, and what he was throwing away.

~ "Go out with me," Scott said, grinning crookedly. "I look nice today." He did look nice, Mitch thought with a blush, what with his hair freshly styled and eyes sparkling.

"You have to do more than just sit there and look pretty for me to go out with you," he replied.

"Luckily there is more," Scott laughed, offering the crook of his arm, just like an old fashioned gentleman. "I have a whole day planned, you know." Mitch smiled and took his arm.

"You know I hate surprises; where are we going?"

Scott pulled him out the door, locking it behind them. "Not a chance! I'm going to let you hate me until we get there."

Mitch glared. "Scott Richard Hoying, you are the worst kind of man!"

The blond was unfazed, laughing openly when Mitch tried pouting instead. "Fine, Your Highness, here's a small concession. You can pick the music..." ~

Mitch turned abruptly away from Scott to furiously wipe at the tears threatening to fall. That day had marked the beginning of a tradition of sorts. He'd learned quickly to leave the second Friday of every month free, and every time Scott would ask him out the same way. The reasons were always different, but the blond would always have a girls' day planned and take him somewhere fun.

A day in the life - scomicheWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu