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I was in the babies room folding up clothes and putting them away that we got from the baby shower the other day. Ariana was downstairs making me a grilled chicken Caesar salad cause God knows I'm hungry. I looked around the room smiling at Shemar's work. The room was a pretty royal blue, with two cribs on opposite sides of the room, a cream colored couch, a closet full of baby clothes and shoes, and two toy chest full of baby toys. I couldn't wait for little Xavier Jaspen Moore and Cayden Amaru Moore to be born. Yes that's what Shemar and I decided on.

I sat down on the couch and closed my eyes for a second until I felt a sharp pain in my side. I put my hand over my stomach when the pain went away but screamed when it came back twice as worst. "ARIANA HELP ME!!" I had tears coming down my face at how much pain I was in. Something wasn't right. Ariana ran into the room and rushed to my side. "Oh my God Natasha your bleeding. We need to get you to the hospital. She grabbed my bag and helped me down the stairs and into her car. We were speeding of to the hospital and I heard Ariana on the phone. "Shemar get to the hospital right now.....I know but I guess it's time now but she's bleeding......We're like two minutes away just hurry." I have never felt so much pain in my life.

We pulled into the hospital and Ariana ran in coming back with two nurses and a wheel chair. She grabbed my bag and was by my side the whole time. When we got into the room I changed into the room and was hooked up to the monitor. Not much later I felt that pain again. I screamed out loud tears falling. Not much later Shemar rushed into the room standing at my side. "Natasha I'm so sorry" The doctor came in and I was so damn ready to push.

Four hours later I pushed again hearing the sound that a mother dreams of. My first son came out. Little Xavier. "Alright Natasha your doing amazing now keep pushing. Another thirty minutes later little Cayden was out but I didn't hear anything. "Doctor something is wrong." "What's going on." "Sir I'm gonna need you to leave the room." "What the hell do you mean those are my sons what's wrong." They were rushing little Cayden and Xavier out of the room. I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer I had to sleep.

A couple hours later I open my eyes and the doctor was there with the nurse that helped me delivery my babies. "What's going on where are my sons." "Ma'am I'm so sorry." "What's wrong?" The heart monitor was speeding up and I could feel my pressure rising. "I'm sorry but one of your sons didn't make it. His lungs were not fully developed that's why you felt so much pain and experienced bleeding." "No No NO!!!" "Ma'am I'm so sorry." The nurse and doctor walked out letting Shemar and Ariana walk in. Ariana looked like she couldn't hold it together and came over to me wrapping her arms around me. I couldn't hold it in any longer. The shock went away and pure pain set in. I screamed and just broke down. Now I understand what it means that their is no pain like losing a child. Shemar came over to me and wrapped me in his arms squeezing me tight. "Baby I'm so sorry." I cried for so long but the pain wouldn't go away. It was like it was getting more intense by the second and I was slipping deeper and deeper into despair. I was wrong before, now I've never been in so much pain. Why God why would you do this to me.

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