Return of Cruella

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"Natasha I have to go." Shemar was at the door leaving for work and I didn't want him to go. He got called in to a big meeting so he had to cut his little vacation time short. "Alright alright go." He pulled me into his arms and gave me a long slow kiss. "I'll be back as soon as the meeting is over." He left and I locked the door going into the entertainment room.

I was eating a grilled ham and cheese sandwich when I heard the door bell ring. I got up and ran to the door thinking it was Shemar but when I opened it my face fell. "Hello Natasha. May I come in?" "Sure Mrs.Moore." I moved aside and she walked in sitting down on the couch. When I came to sit down I felt her eyes scrutinizing me. "Shemar will be back later he was called into an important meeting." "I know. I needed to talk to you alone. Tell me Natasha, what are you looking for in my son?" "Excuse me? Who said I was looking for anything." "Surely you must be. Why else would he want to marry you besides that baby your carrying." "I love your son. If you think I'm marrying him for his money then I will gladly sign a prenup." "Oh please. Knowing my son he would never let you do that. He's so blind that he can't see you for what you truly are." "And what's that?" "A money hungry gold digger. Your no different from the rest. I mean how do we even know that that baby your carrying is his?" That was it, I was at my breaking point with this lady. "That is enough. Get yo uptight, sadiddy ass out of this house. What type of person are you to come and antagonize your son's fiancé. Like Shemar said, before you married his father your ass was a waitress. At least I went to school and got my degree. You know what I'm done waisting my breathe on you. Get out and don't bring yo ass back. People, like you make new sick. They come into a little money and then just forget where they came from. I don't want you anywhere near me or my damn baby so go." "Well I never." She got up and grabbed her bag walking to the door. She turned around to say something but I just slammed the door in her face. God knows I don't need Shemar finding out about this.

When Shemar got home later that day I was all jumpy and nervous. "Hay baby how was your day?" "Umm it was fine." "What did you do?" "Mostly stayed inside." He grabbed my chin and looked into my eyes. "Natasha your hiding something, what is it?" "I'm not hiding anything." "Then why can't you look me in my eyes." I took a deep breathe and looked up at him. "What's wrong?" "Your mother was here earlier." His face immediately turned hard and he was balling his fist. "Shemar please calm down." "What did she say?" "It doesn't matter we were just talking." "Natasha what did she say." I looked down and started playing with my hands. "Promise me you won't get angry." "Natasha-" "Promise me Shemar." "Alright I promise just tell me what she said." I took a deep breathe and told him everything from what she said to what I said. When I was done he just got up and grabbed his car keys. "I'll be back in a little." I got up and raced towards him. "No Shemar please you promised me." "Natasha let me go." "Please Shemar if not for me then for your sons." He looked back at me and I grabbed his hand placing it on my stomach. "Please." He took a deep breathe then pulled me into him. "You don't fight fair." "I know." We walked back into the living room and just sat there thinking. "Shemar I don't want you and your family to fight." "Natasha stop." "I'm serious. Tomorrow I want to go over their house so we all can talk like civilized adults." "Are you sure that's what you want?" "Yes." "Then we'll go around lunch tomorrow but I'm not making you anymore promises." "Okay." We cut off the TV and went upstairs to get ready for bed. I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth throwing my hair up in a sloppy ponytail. I put on my pink bra and panties set then threw on one of Shemar's shirts. I went into the room and Shemar was already laying down on the bed looking stressed. "Shemar please stop stressing." He looked up at me and smiled. "Alright alright I'm done thinking about this." "Good because I wanted to talk to you about something." I climbed into bed and he pulled me close to him. "What's that?" "Baby names." He looked down at me then started laughing. "Alright." We went back and forth for about an hour debating baby names until I got tired and fell asleep on top of him. Tomorrow is going to be a long day.


I know its kind of boring but I had to write about something. Next chapter will be about the meeting with Shemar's parents. Don't forget to vote, COMMENT, and fan. Also don't forget to check out my other book Life As A Killa. Hope y'all enjoy and next update will be coming soon.

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