We Meet Again

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"Psst Shemar." He laid in bed still asleep. I started shaking him softly "Shemar get up." He rolled over groaning and went back to sleep. "SHEMAR GET YO ASS UP!!" He jumped out of bed looking like somebody just poured ice cold water on him. "Natasha what the hell is wrong with you it's 2  in the damn morning." "I know but I really want some McDonald's fries and a milk shake from stake n shake (another addiction of mine)." "Are you out your damn mind." "Please Shemar." He looked at me for a couple seconds then sighed going to put on some pants. "You are really lucky I love you." I smiled getting up and giving him a big hug and kiss. He grabbed his keys walked out the door. I went down into the entertainment room and put in Lion King. It got to the part when Scar was about to kill Mufasa when ny phone rang. "Hello." "Baby what kind of shake do you want." "A vanilla oreo shake. And Shemar can you get me a Philly cheesestake sub." "Natasha come on." "I'm sorry Shemar. Never mind don't worry about the sub." "Alright Natasha anything else you want before I hang up the phone." "No that's all." "Are you sure?" "Yes I'm sure." "Alright." "Oh wait Shemar." "Yes Natasha." "I love you." I could partially hear him smiling through the phone." "I love you too. I'll see you in a little." "Okay be careful." "Alright." I hung up the phone abd pressed play. When Scar killed Mufasa I immediately started to cry. What the hell is wrong with me.

     I heard the keys in the door and I immediately jumped up going after my food. "Thank you so much babe." "Your welcome." I went back into the entertainment room and it was on my favorite part. "Natasha why are you watching Lion King?" "Because I love this movie now hush." I sat back eating and watching my movie until I felt Shemar's head hit my lap. Aww my baby was tired. I smiled and turned off the projector. I got up and threw away my trash then went to go brush my teeth. When I was done I grabbed a thick blanket from the linen closet and fell asleep with Shemar on the sectional in the entertainment room.

     The next morning I woke up my back was killing me. I really shouldn't have slept on this couch but I just got up, a hot shower should help. I went into our room and grabbed my towel then walked into the bathroom turning on the hot water. When it was just right I got in and let the hot water remove all of the knots out of my back. I scrubbed my entire body with my Candy Apple body wash then rinsed off. I grabbed ny peach coconut shampoo and washed my hair then rinsed it. I didn't notice I was being watched until I heard Shemar clear his throat. "Dammit Shemar you scared the hell out of me." "I'm sorry babe but only you could make washing your hair look erotic." I swear you have problems." I turned off the water and wrapped myself in my towel. When I got into the room I moisturized my skin and put on a black bra and panties set. I blow dried my hair and put some moose in it wanting to leave it down but keep its natural curls. I walked over to the closet not really feeling like dressing up today so I grabbed an off the shoulder black red and white of the shoulder sweater shirt, some white skinny jeans, and my red black and white Jordan's. I topped off my whole outfit with a Miami Heat snap back and done eyeliner and mascara. When Shemar came out of the bathroom he looked at me and smiled. "You look relaxed today. I like it." "Thank You I'll be downstairs if you need me." I had a doctor's appointment before going to meet Shemar's parents so I was a little excited about what the doctor had to say about my babies. I went into the fridge and pulled out some eggs, sausage, and pancake batter. I cracked the eggs and added black pepper, salt, complete seasoning, green peppers, and a little bit of onions. When the pan was hot enough I put in the eggs letting them scramble while I put the sausage in the oven. When the eggs were done I turned them off abd got started on the pancakes. I added cinnamon, vanilla extract, and a little nutmeg before mixing it all together and basing the pan with butter. By the time Shemar came downstairs I was doing the last pancake out of the pan and making a fresh put of coffee. "It smells amazing in here shasha." I smiled when I saw what he was wearing. "I see you wanted to match me today." He had on black t shirt, plaid red black and white shorts and red and black shoes. I could also tell he had just shaved and he looked completely edible. I grabbed the strawberries and whipped creme out of the fridge and turned around to see Shemar standing right there. "Excuse me." He moved out of my way and grabbed a cup making himself a cup of coffee. "What time is your appointment?" "10." He looked down at his watch and took a sip of his coffee. "We have time." We continued eating in a comfortable silence until we were both done. I walked back into the bathroom and brushed my teeth again then grabbed my phone and my bag. I got downstairs and Shemar was already waiting by the door. "You ready?" "Yea let's go." Shemar locked up the house and we got in the car going to my doctor's appointment.

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