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Its been a week since my no sex strike and I'm truly starting to regret it. It was suppose to get to him not me. Its one thing to hold out from sex but when your being tormented its just down right frustrating. I'm sure it would have worked with any other man but we're talking about Shemar Moore. Like when he came home from work the other day he didn't even acknowledge me. Instead he went to the gym and came back in only his basketball shorts hanging dangerously low. Then the next day when we were going to bed he was only in a pair of boxers. He laid down and was close enough where I could feel the heat coming off of his body but he wouldn't touch me.

Help me please because I feel like I'm going crazy slowly but surely but it was time to flip the tables. When Shemar left for work this morning I took a quick shower then got out, dried off, and moisturized my body. I put on a dark green bra and panties set then put on a long black peasant skirt and a creme tank top with creme sandles. I put my hair into a French braid and put on my gold necklace. I grabbed my keys, locked the door, and got in my car driving off to the mall. As soon as I got to the mall I parked my car and went right into Victoria Secrets. I walked in and went to work trying to find the sexiest pieces of lingerie. I went into the dressing room trying on piece after piece but this light blue set really caught my eye. It was a light blue push up bra with dark blue lace around the edges, light and dark blue lace panties, and a light blue cover up that had a dark blue bow in the front. I went to the register and paid for the outfit then went to get my hair my nails done. By the time I got home I only had 45 minutes before Shemar got home. I put on my out fit and put on his favorite perfume of mine. When he walked in he looked stressed and tired, this was gonna be to easy. "Hey Shemar." He looked up and his eyes got huge. I walked into the kitchen smiling knowing I'm getting to him. I went into the fridge and bent over getting a bottle of water and when I closed the fridge he was staring at me like a predator ready to attack his prey. "Natasha why the hell are you testing me." I took a big gulp of water moaning as it went down my throat. I felt his eyes watching my every move. "What are you talking about I'm not doing anything" "Then what the hell are you wearing." "Night clothes." He walked up to me and grabbed me by my arm pushing me up against the fridge. "Your testosterone level must be at an all time high." I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him close to me. "Now I want you right here right now." He pulled me by my hips and I felt he was as hard as a rock. "You don't even understand how badly I want you." "Then take me." He lifted me up and put me on the counter. He started kissing on my neck and his hands went up under my slip. "Mm Shemar I can't wait I want you now." He looked at me then made fast work to try and unbuckle his pants. "But you know what." I grabbed him and licked up his neck letting my teeth graze his ear. I was satisfied when I felt him shudder a little. "I want a job more." I hopped off the counter and walked away then looked back and saw he was extremely angry. "Enjoy your lotion and your cold shower baby. Or you could enjoy me all night long if you let me get the job I want. It's your choice. I walked away laughing as I heard him growl in frustration and slam him hands against the counter. I walked up the stairs feeling victorious. Ball is back in your court Mr. Moore.

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