First Day Worst Day

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"Natasha wake up. Natasha baby get up we have to go to work." I turned over aggravated as hell that he woke me up out of my good sleep but it was technically my first day. I got up not even saying good morning and walked right into the bathroom turning on the shower. I stripped out of my clothes letting the water get hot. When it was just the right temperature I got in letting the hot water relax my body for a little. I scrubbed my body with my mango body wash then rinsed off, got out, and wrapped myself in my towel. I brushed my teeth then went back into the room to find something to wear. I decided on a aqua silk shirt, a dark grey high waist pencil skirt, aqua heels, and grey accessories. I moisturized my body then put on a black bra and panties set putting on my clothes next. I looked in the mirror and you could definitely start to tell I was pregnant. I shrugged and decided to let my hair hang freely today so I added some moose and topped everything of with a little mascara and lip gloss. I grabbed my bag and my phone then walked downstairs to meet Shemar. He was in the kitchen on the phone and he looked so damn good. Armani tailored suit, aqua colored shirt, aqua and black tie with the prefect Armani shoes. I walked over to the fridge and pulled out the fruit salad making myself a bowl. I sat at the bar eating when I felt Shemar's lips right behind my ear making me jump. "Good morning beautiful." "Good morning handsome." "Ready go work today." "Yup. What is it that I'm gonna be doing." "Well your my personal assistant so really you'll just be getting files ready for meetings, typing and faxing memos, contacting other companies about business proposals, the basics really" "Okay." I finished my fruit salad and rinsed my bowl putting it back in the dish washer. "Do you want to take separate cars?" "No you can ride with me." I grabbed my bag walked with him to his car. He locked the door then we got in driving towards to Moore Incorporation.

When we got there we caught the elevator to the 65th floor then got out going straight to his office. "Alright Natasha today is pretty much an easy day. All I need you to do is have these files back to me and send this memo to all the companies on this sheet of paper before you go to lunch at 1. Can you have that done for me?" "I got it." I grabbed all the files and walked next door to my office getting started.

After 4 hours of typing, filling, and emailing I was finally done and starving. I walked back to Shemar's office and knocked on his door. "Come in." I came in and sat all the files on his desk. "I'm all finished so I was gonna go to lunch now." "Alright. Here take the car." He handed me the keys and I was about to walk out but he looked so stressed. I walked over to his door and locked out then walked back to where he was sitting. "Shemar what's wrong." "Nothing you need to worry about babe. Go eat I know you're hungry." I looked him in his eyes and I knew he was hiding something from me but I didn't want to press the issue so I just dropped it. "Alright I'll be back." I got up walked to the door and left going back to my office to grab my bag then ride the elevator down stairs. I decided to just go to the deli down the street. When I got there it wasn't so crowded. "Hello how may I hello you." "Hi can I have two blts', two bags of potatoe chips, a coke, and a strawberry banana smoothie." "That will be $22.50." I have get a 20 and a 5. "Keep the change." I grabbed my things and drove back to work deciding to surprise Shemar with lunch. I parked the car and grabbed my things locking the door behind me. I rode the elevator to the 65th floor and walked up to Shemar's door. I knocked and no one answered so I just opened the door and what I saw made me drop everything in my hands and tears rush to my eyes. There stood Shemar's ex girlfriend kissing him and Shemar obviously kissing her back. He looked up and saw me. "Natasha wait I-." I grabbed my bag and the keys rushing out of his office to the elevators. I clicked the down button and when the doors opened I got in clicking the first floor button. Shemar caught the door before they closed. "Natasha please listen to me." I looked up at him feeling so hurt and betrayed. "I really don't want to hear it." The doors opened and I got out walking towards his car. He grabbed my arm and spun me around making me look at him. "Natasha please just listen-." "Just answer one question for me and please be honest." He looked at me with so much pain and regret on his eyes. "Did you kiss her back." "Natasha I-" "Did you or did you not kiss her back. Just answer my question please." "Yes I did but-", I held up my hand stopping him and just walked away feeling like somebody just stabbed me so deep in my chest and was twisting the knife. I got in the car and drove to the house going in and grabbing a suitcase. I needed to go away for a couple of days to clear my mind. I packed my suitcase full and went online booking a flight to Kansas. I needed to be home for a little while. The whole ride to the airport I just let the tears fall. The worst part out of all of this is that I'm still so deeply in love with him.


I'm not even gonna lie I cried a little bit when I wrote this. Anyway vote, COMMENT, and fan. I hope y'all enjoy. And don't forget to check out my other book Life As A Killa.

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