Chapter 11 ~ Shopping

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Holy Hell!!!! I am back, and my writing technique is way better! So enjoy!

"We need to go grab some groceries, want to come with?" Mahogany asked as she stood in the doorway, I looked up at Vincent.

"We should go," I said, Vincent looked down, he smiled and nodded.

"What is our budget?" Vincent asked

"Just get what you need, we can talk about extras," Mahogany smiled, "anyway here," she handed over a small black glassy card, I thought looked that of a credit card.

Vincent took the credit card and put it in his back pocket.

"We will be right there," Vincent said, Mahogany nodded in reply. She left and the door shut. Vincent waited a few seconds before turning to me. He leaned down a little and brought his lips to mine. I smiled into the kiss,

Vincent pulled away and brought me into a hug, his arms wrapped all the way around my small frame. I dug my face into the crook of  Vincent's neck. I could smell the cologne he had been wearing. I felt warm and safe like this. I never felt this kind of feeling in my life. I've only felt the cold bars of my bed in the Asylum, and the hurtful hands of my father.

"We should really go," Vincent whispered in his low raspy voice behind me. I nodded and Vincent pulled away from me. I smiled and brought my arms down to my sides again. Vincent and I walked out of our apartment and locked the door. Mahogany was waiting with Mike, Jeremy, Samantha and Vendetta in the hallway.

"What was taking you so long?" Mahogany said, annoyance tinged her voice.

"(Y/n) couldn't find her other shoe," Vincent lied, he gestured towards my feet. Mahogany rolled her eyes and smile a little, almost as if she knew Vincent was lying. In all honesty she probably did, Vincent was an open book, with an audio accompanist screaming the text.

"Whatever lets just get going." Mike scoffed, he looked over at Samantha, she was dusting off the jeans she was wearing.

Time Skip

I held Vincent's hand happily, the cold winter air bit at my nose, dusting it with a light shade of pink. Vincent didn't seem bothered by the cold, he looked ahead and squeezed my hand from time to time. Samantha and Mike were deep in a conversation. Vendetta and Mahogany were talking as well. Jeremy walked alone, clearly bothered by the cold, his whole face was red and he was shaking.

I left Vincent's side and walked over to Jeremy, he looked at me with a little bit of a worried expression.

"Jeremy are you that cold?" I asked, the brown haired boy looked over at me. He laughed slightly

"Y-yeah I am a little c-c-cold," He smiled, Jeremy covered his nose and sighed "I've never b-been fond of this k-kind of weather."

"Yeah me neither but I've kind of grown used to it." I giggled, "When you come from a place where the winter is cold and miserable, you tend to get used to this." I added

"Well I spend almost all my time in warm places, the cold is so," Jeremy paused "weird."

"You just said a whole sentence without stuttering." I smiled, feeling rather happy.

"O-oh I g-guess I did." Jeremy and I laughed, when I looked up I saw Vincent glancing back at us, "Vincent m-might want you b-back." Jeremy audibly gulped.

"Yeah, I guess so, I like talking to you, lets do it again sometime." I said with a pleasant tone, Jeremy laughed and nodded in response.

"Here we are," Mahogany said pointing at a large building.

I have to cut this chapter short because I have to put my brace back on. Luv ya! Thanks for reading

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