Chapter 4 ~ RV part 2

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I woke up to loud noises and Mahogany, Vendetta and Sam standing in front of something. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, I looked around and saw the RV was stopped

"Got it" Vendetta yelled relieved and all three of them backed away. There in the middle of them sat a rage filled Vincent in a strait jacket and a clot tied around his mouth. His eyes were pitch black with white dots in the middle and a black haze seemed to surround him. 

"What's going on" I asked no one in particular

"Oh Vincent is having one of his" Mahogany said "Fits" she finished

"What is making him so mad" I asked

"Oh well basically I tried to get you out of Vincent's grasp long story short, he got mad" Mahogany finished and I nodded. He got made because of me? I thought to myself and stood up, my feet feeling much better. I made my way over to Vincent but Mahogany put a hand on my shoulder "Don't" She said and despite her words I continued over to Vincent. I sat down in front of him listening to the muffled screams escaping from behind the cloth. I  reached behind his head and undid the knot in the back. Vincent shook his head once I threw it to the side. Next slowly and gently I started to remove the strait jacket. 

"(y/n) I don's think that is a good idea" Sam said and I ignored her and took off the strait jacket. Vincent huffed and I took his face into my hands. I shook him a little and caught his gaze

"Vincent" I said and Vincent relaxed, he just stared at me with his black eyes "Vincent its me" I said and his eyes returned to their normal white. I smiled "Are you okay" I asked and Vincent brushed his fingertips across my cheek

"Of course love" Vincent said

"Why don't you go rest" I suggested and Vincent nodded getting up. I looked up to see Mahogany with her mouth wide open

"How did you do that" She asked and I stood up

"I don't know" I replied with a shrug, I grabbed my phone "I am going to go check on Vincent" I said and began to walk toward the bedroom. Vincent was passed out under the covers. He sort of looked like a cat, how cute. Wait what am I thinking? I shook the thoughts away and layed down next to Vincent and unlocked my phone. I learned how to change my wallpaper and rearrange apps. I got a Facebook and Wattpad too. I was in the middle of learning how to use Snapchat when Vincent woke up. He sat up slowly then quickly put his thumb and fore finger to his temple

"I had an episode didn't I" Vincent asked turning towards me

"Yeah" I replied nodding my head

"Can you go get me some Tylenol or asprin or whatever" Vincent pleaded and I nodded getting up

"Where is it" I asked

"In the cupboard above the sink there should be water bottles in there too" Vincent said and I got up and went down the three steps leading to the kitchen. I opened the cupboard above the sink like Vincent told me and grabbed some IbuProfen and a water bottle from the fridge. I walked back to the bedroom and gave Vincent the pills and water. He grabbed for them desperately and I have him the water. Vincent downed the IbuProfen quickly and collapsed back on the bed.

"What's wrong" I asked

"When ever I have my fits or episodes I end up getting a major migraine afterwards" Vincent said and Vendetta walked in

"Guys we're here" he said    

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