Chapter 3 ~ RV

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I woke up in a small space. It was warm I was wrapped in blankets, I blinked a few times and moved around a little. I sat up a little and threw the covers off of me and stared at my feet. They were bandaged and numb I threw my legs over the side of the small bed and yawned.

"When will she wake up" A voice asked and I immediately knew it was Sam

"When she is ready" Another voice said, another female voice

"Can I see her" Sam asked 

"yeah if you want" The female voice said, the curtains opened and blinded me with light. I put a hand up to try to block it out "well I guess she is ready" a lady with black hair and a robotic arm stood in front of me, then shuffling came from the opposite side of the bed causing me to jump

"Hey what the hell I was sleeping" Vincent said, he looked different he didn't have a ponytail in and he was dressed completely in purple. I looked around and saw I was in a nice RV. I stood up and wobbled a little pain shooting through my feet. I immediately sat back down on the bed, I looked at my feet and sighed

"Oh hon let me help you up I'm Mahogany, I heard all about your story... Vincent come get (y/n)" Mahogany said helping me walk towards a table. I looked ahead and saw a small kitchen and a set of stairs that led to a living room like place. Soon I felt two strong arms wrap around a shoulders. Then one arm under my knee then before I knew it I was lifted off the ground and carried across the RV. 

"Where am I" I asked

"Well my brother is taking us in their RV to the coast of New Jersey then we are going to take Vendetta and Mahogany's Yacht" Vincent said laying me down on a couch, I looked at the tv playing an anime I didn't recognize. I stared up at Vincent and smiled weakly before the dying whale in my stomach unleashed itself. "Hungry eh" Vincent asked and I nodded becoming fully aware of how hungry I was but didn't want to eat. 

"Yeah I am really hungry" I said and Vincent got up and opened a fridge, then rummaged around and came back with a number of things. A Starbucks caramel macchiato and a bag that said Taco Bell on it. I grabbed the food and stared at it uncertain if I should eat

"I know it has been a while since you have eaten real food and you are afraid that this is going to taste like crap but it doesn't. And it is the food Mahogany saved for you, she is the white girl here so Starbucks and Starbucks it is" Vincent said and I giggled grabbing the food out of the bag and eating it. I smiled and drank the coffee giving me a short burst of energy. I smiled and suddenly remembered about my escape.

"What happened while I was out" I asked

"Well basically you and I are wanted so if we get pulled over we have a great hiding place for both of us" Vincent said

"Where" I asked and Vincent stood up and stood in front of the tv and pulled at the carpet. I cocked my head to the side until Vincent pulled up the floor revealing a place where we could climb down and hide "Where is Sam" I asked 

"She is up front with Mahogany they seem to really get along" Vincent replied and I nodded looking out the window, the sun was setting leaving a beautiful landscape. We were by some lake and the sun was setting on it, I smiled but my thoughts were interrupted when a box was put in my line of vision. It was white and said IPhone 6 plus on it in silver writing. 

"What is that" I asked 

"An IPhone" Vincent said and I looked at him confused "How long were you in that Asylum" He asked

"About 8 years I think I sort of lost track of time" I said and Vincent's eyes filled with sorrow

"Wow I am so sorry anyway this is an IPhone it is like a normal phone but it has a ton of cool stuff. Mahogany sweet talked one of the guys at Apple to give her an IPhone 6 plus rose gold so be happy" Vincent said and I took the box in my hand. I opened it and a thin device was inside. I picked up the phone and stared at it underneath the phone was a charger and a set of earbuds. "Hold down that button on the side" Vincent said and I did as I was told the screen lit up and said welcome. I smiled and Vincent showed me how to set up the phone. Apparently you can get apps and games on these kind of phones, also you can take really cool photos. 

"Thank you" I said

"What no you should be thanking Maho" I cut Vincent off and hugged him

"No silly I mean thank you for doing all of this for me breaking me out and stuff" I said and Vincent wrapped his arms around me

"No problem" He replied and I squeezed him tighter earning a chuckle from him

"So how long does it take to get to the coast of New Jersey" I asked looking up into Vincent's white eyes

"well we have been driving for several hours so maybe a day or so with stops I think I am horrible at estimating time" Vincent replied switching tv shows on the tv.

"How do you get reception here" I asked

"Well we don't we just have wifi and play Netflix do you have any preference in shows" Vincent replied and I shook my head and smiled a little, soon a man came and stood in front of me. He was black and had entirely white eyes and purple hair like Vincent's, tied up but with a bow. He had a yellow shirt on with black suspenders and black dress pants "Vendetta what are you doing up here shouldn't you be driving" Vincent asked and I looked up with a blank stare

"Mahogany said she would drive for a while I wanted to meet the girl you broke out with" Vendetta said looking at me, I smiled shyly and waved a little. Vendetta smiled and sat on the couch next to me "So I never did get your name Samantha didn't tell me" 

"(y/n)" I said and sat up a little straighter 

"Well (Y/n) it is very nice to meet you" Vendetta said kissing my hand and laying it gently in my lap. I suddenly became tired and leaned up against Vincent and drifted off to sleep.

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