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sent to: @ohsehunofficial

send from: @imyulk

hi, uhm i know you wouldn't be able to read this letter but I'm still trying that you'll atleast notice this.

i know you have an annoying fan keep bugging you by sending a banat letters, i don't know if you knew you have or maybe you aren't reading her banat letters but thank you for noticing her once, thank you mr.

thank you for holding a concert here in ph atleast her wish was granted and that is to see you up close, she sees you and i hope you see her too but that's impossible since thousand of crowds were there.

i knew you, you were once lived here in the ph, you were once our neighbour, you bullied her when we we're child, thank you because you make her into a stronger grown up young lady, thank you because you saved her life salamat.

your-0fan's sister

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