18 // Raven

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[ T O M ]

"She's asleep. Gosh she's precious."

Maggie snickered at Netty who was sprawled out on the fuzzy crimson sofa, fast asleep. Little, light snores resonates from her throat, her mouth slightly ajar and her hair hanging off the edge. Her small hands were pressed to head against her creamy complexion, her cheeks flushed pale pink.

"I know. She's... perfect."

"She was stunning tonight Tom. I mean that."

"Yeah, she was. She doubts herself so much, I'm not sure why. It was great seeing her believe in herself for once. Now I can finally show her off to the whole world."

Leaning down, I brush her jet black hair off her sleepy face, rolling her over slowly and sliding my arms beneath her. She wasn't too heavy, so lifting her was pretty easy, and soon she was curled into my chest, fast asleep.

"You can't carry her all the way out Tom, that's very far." Maggie said.

"There's no way I'm waking her. She deserves sleep, don't you think?" 

Stepping out of the dressing room, I was lead by some security guards through the slim halls of the arena. I could see some of them talking about me, questioning why the hell I was carrying her when she was a grown woman. Obviously none of them understood that I loved her a lot, and I would be willing to carrying her a kilometre if it mean she was looked after, you know? When you're in love you do things like that, and they didn't seem to understand that I was in love.

I past Rory on the way out, who snapped a photo of me carrying Netty. I wasn't sure how to feel, but I smiled, realising I could keep that photo as a little memory, if I asked her for it. A bodyguard opened the SUV door for me and carefully lowered Netty in, sliding into the backseat with her quietly curled into my arms. The others had already gone home, but I had waited around slightly longer, taking my time with my sleepy head girlfriend.

"Straight home, sir?" Asked the driver. I nodded and he understood, the car slowly rumbling onto the road.

I pulled Netty in closer, the fabric of her dress crinkly up against the denim of my jeans. She muttered some gibberish before snuggling into the crook of my neck in the backseat of the car. 

Even after five years of our relationship, Netty never failed to take my breath away. Now I'd seen some pretty awesome things and had some pretty incredible experiences in the past five years, but nothing compared to how it felt just to call her mine. People always spoke to me about how sometimes the strong, magnetic feeling love gives at the beginning of a relationship- the type of feeling that draws you to the one you love like a magnet- fades after a year or so. That eventually, you don't feel like you have to be together all the time, even though you're still in the love. But the thing with Netty and I, was that it never did fade for us. More than ever am I drawn to this stunner of a girl, and I could never imagine enjoying time apart or not having her around. Being without her on the tour was hell enough, let alone not having her around at all? I loved her more than anything and everything in my life, and she would always come first. No riches, fame or fortune could ever change that.

Tonight, I felt at home on stage for the first time. Truth was, wherever I was, if she was there, it was home. And I'd never felt at home on stage with Chaos of Mayhem until now. And not only that, she's been fucking incredible! She'd blown me, the boys and everyone in the stadium away, and that was what she deserved. She deserves to feel like number one for a while. After everything she's done for me, for everyday she put herself second, for every minute she spent on her own for me, she deserves to be on top of the world.

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