Chapter 19: Drama club part 1

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A/N: okay I know that this isn't chapter 18. Chapter 18 is not ready yet but I didn't want to leave you guys with out a new chapter, so I wrote this chapter for you guys. The reason chapter 18 is taking so long is because I want it to be perfect 👌. Also the drama club in this story is based of the drama club at my school.

Sammy's POV
"So you lot coming to drama club?"
A girl asked as she walked over to Tim, Charley and Tia. Aidan and I just looked at each other. "Oh yeah, you two have to come to drama club!" Tim said as he grabbed us and dragged us through the school.

He took us to the school hall where lots of kids were messing around. "Welcome to drama club!" Tim yelled as he threw his arms into the air. "So these are the newbies?" A girl asked as she walked over to the group. "Yeah, this is Sammy and this is Aidan." Tia said with a smile. "Well, you can only join this club if your good at acting, singing, playing an instrument, dancing or art." She said as she crossed her arms and turned up her noise. "Well, Sammy is an amazing singer and she can play guitar like a boss." Tim said as he smiled at me. "And Aidan is the best drummer in the world, and his an amazing actor." Charley said. "Fine, but they better be as good as you say they are." She spat and then walked off. "Who was she?" I asked. Tia sighed. "Her name's Kizana Sunobu, she's has a huge ego. She thinks she's the best actress in the world." (A/N: Kizana Sunobu is one of the new rivals in yandere simulator.)

"Okay so we need to put you two in a group." Tim said. Aidan and I looked at him confused. "I'm in the acting group and singing group, Tia's in the dancing group and Charley's in the artist group and tec group." Tim said. "So we can choose what group we're in?" Aidan asked. Tim nodded. "Cool I want to be in the acting group." Aidan said as he smiled. "I want to be in the singing group." I said as I also smiled. "Okay lets go and introduce you to to the rest of the club." Charley said.

We all walked over to one group of kid, they were all sitting on the floor painting a big banner. "This is the art group." Tim said as he pointed at the four kids. "Hey Tim, who are they?" A boy asked as he looked up. "This is Sammy and this is Aidan." He said as he pointed. "Nice to meet you two, I'm peter but every one calls me noodles." He said as he smiled at us. "Why do they call you that?" Aidan asked. "Because of my hair." He said as he pointed at his long dirty blonde noodle like hair. "That's sparkles, we call him that because he loves sparkly things, and that's raven, we call her that because she's like raven from teen titans, and this sweetheart is pig, we call her that because she loves pigs." He said as he pointed at them all.

Time skip (because I'm lazy)
After we were introduced to the other groups we walked over to the singing and acting groups. "Hey guys, meet Sammy and Aidan." Tim said fro the hundred time today. "Hi I'm Noah but everyone calls me senpai." My cheeks went a light red colour. "Why do they call you that?" I asked. "Most girls in the school think he hot." Charley laughed. I nervously laughed with him. Aidan didn't look impressed. "That's lolly." He said as he pointed at a girl sitting on the stage, she had purple and white hair that she wore in a bun, which made a lollipop swirl. "That's brains, he really smart." Senpai said as he pointed at a boy standing up and reading a book. "And that's cookie chan." He said as he pointed to a girl with turquoise coloured hair and cat ears and a cat tail. "The rest of the group isn't here yet, but they should be soon." He said as he smiled at me. I felt my face begin to heat up. "Your eyes, there, beautiful." Noah said as he ran his hand down my cheek. "Hey back off!" Aidan yelled as he stepped forward. "Okay, I'm sorry I didn't know she was you girlfriend." Noah said as he put his hands up and backed away. "I'm n-" I was cut off by Aidan putting his arm around me. My cheeks went a dark red. "Yeah, well she is so watch it." Aidan said in an angry voice. I could feel my hart beating faster when he said that. Noah walked away.

I grabbed Aidan's hand and dragged him out the hall. "What the fuck Aidan!" I yelled as I slapped him (not to hard). "AAW, what the hell Sammy!" He yelled as he rubbed his cheek. "Why did you do that." I said as I crossed my arms and glared at him. "Do what?" He asked. "Say I was your girlfriend!" I yelled back at him. He slightly flinched. "I'm sorry, I just didn't like the way Noah was flirting with you." He said his checks turning red. It was so cute. "Yeah well I decide weather or not someone can flirt with me." I said as I turned around and walked back in to the hall.

Sammy (adopted by Jacksepticeye) DISCONTINUED जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें