Chater 2: can i adopt you?

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Jacks PoV
I was getting ready to go to the orphanage, when I got a texts from Mark.

Hey Jack good luck from me and Tim.


Tim said he wants to be bffs with the child you adopt.

That would be awesome. I have to go or I'll be late. Bye say hi to Tim for me.

See ya

I smiled and put my phone in my pocket. I grabbed my hoodie and walked out my apartment.

I walked to the bus stop and sat down. After half an hour the bus finally showed up. I hoped on. "One adult to river brig rode." I said as I put 2 euros in the tray. The man pushed some buttons and then a bus ticket slowly came out the thing. I grabbed it and sat at the back of the bus.

After a couple of stops, I finally got to the orphanage. I got off the bus and walked up to the door. I knocked and then stood back. A lady with blond hair and blue eyes opened the door. "Hello you must be Jack." She said as she smiled at me. "Yes hi." I said awkwardly. "Well come in." She said as she stepped aside.

I walked in and I was suddenly hit with the smell of pancakes. "Wow, something smells good." I said as I followed the lady down the hall. "Yes that is the smell of sammy's pancakes. She likes to cook." She said we walked in to a room. "Okay girls meet Jack, he will be adopting one of you to day." The lady said as she smiled at them. There were about sixteen girls in the room they all looked excited, well apart from one girl. She was lying/sitting on a sofa playing a DS. She had brown hair and the ends had been dip died dark purple. She was wearing a panic at the disco hoodie, grey jeans and one blue shoe and one pink shoe. She just looked at me and then turned back to her game.

"Okay so these are all the girls that fit your description. You can talk to them one on one." She said as she turned to face me. I nodded and we walked to another room. This room was empty. I sat down at a table and waited for one of the girls to come in. For some reason I could stop thinking about that girl with the purple hair. I couldn't wait to talk to her.

I had talked with nearly all the girls and none of them really clicked with me and I hadn't even spoke with the girl with purple hair yet. "Okay this is the last girl. Jack this is sammy, sammy this is Jack." The lady said as she ushered sammy in to the room. "Hello." I said in a sweet voice. "Hi." She said as she sat on the chair in front of me. "So sammy, can I ask you some questions?" I asked as I smiled warmly at her. She just nodded. "How old are you?"
"I'm seven." I looked at her she didn't look like she was seven, she looked more like she was ten. "What music do you like?"
"I like panic at the disco, MCR, FOB and twenty one pilots." She said as she looked up at me. "Yeah they are pretty awesome bands." I said as chucked lightly. She had a shocked look on her face, but it quickly turned in to a smile. "I sore you were playing a DS earlier, do you like games?" She grinned at me. "Games are awesome!" She yelled as she throw her arms in to the air. I laughed. "What's you favourite game?" I asked. She scratched the back of her neck and it looked like she was thinking hard. "Um... Crash bandicoot, portal one and two, and undertale." She said as she smiled at me.

We talked about games and music until the lady came in. "Okay you two times up." She said as she smiled at us. Sammy's face suddenly turned back in to a frown. My hart broke at the sight of it. "Well it was nice talking." She said as she left the room. I looked at the lady confused. "Oh don't worry she is always like that."
"Why?" I asked. "Well you see when ever someone comes to talk to her they never really understand her. She is very um... Anti social. Not that many people have a lot in common with her." She said as leaned up against the wall. "She seems really cool, she likes all the stuff I like." I said as I shifted in my chair. The lady's jaw dropped. "And I would like to adopt her." I said as I stood up. She closed her moth and smiled at me. "Really." She squeaked. "Well then you should know somethings about her. She is very mature for her age, she used to always be excited and full of hope, but she slowly turned in to a parson who didn't really care. Also it takes her a while to settle, the other few times she was adopted she was always brought back. The families say that she was too awkward and weird." I nodded now I understand why she didn't sound happy to talk to me. "Okay I can understand that." I said to her. "Well let's go tell her." She said as she opened the door for me.

We walked back in to the room of girls. I couldn't see sammy. "Girls were did Sammy go?" The lady asked. "Oh she went upstairs." One girl said. "But I wouldn't go up there, you know what she's like after having to talk to someone." Another girl said. We left the room and walked upstairs. I could hear someone playing a guitar, and singing. They were playing this is gospel. We walked up to the room that the sound we coming out of. The door was wide open. I saw sammy playing guitar and singing. She had an amazing voice. "Sammy." The lady said as she knocked on the door. Sammy stopped playing and turned around. "Jack wants to adopt you." She said as she smiled at her. Sammy smiled as wide as she could as she looked at me. "Come on we can go play some games." I said to her as I smiled as wide as I could.

Sammy (adopted by Jacksepticeye) DISCONTINUED Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora