Chapter 15: A broken eye

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Sammy's PoV
Jack and I were at Mark and Tim's house. "Nooooooo!" Tim yelled as I killed him (in a game.) "yes! Okay so that's the 12th time in a row that I've won." I said as I rubbed my victory in Tim's face. "You only won because I-."
"Suck at prop hunt." I said cutting him off. "Yeah." He sighed. We both began to laugh. "Hey you two, Tia and Charley are here." Mark said as he walked in to Tim's room. We paused the game and went down stairs.

"Hey Sammy." Tia said as she walked over to me. She was holding a big black case. "What." I said slightly confused about the case. "I'm going to go your hair and makeup." She said as she grabbed my wrist and began to drag me towards the bathroom. "What no!" I yelled as I tried to yank my hand free. Tim, Charley, Mark, Jack and Felix started to laugh. "Help me." I cried as I was pulled in to the bathroom.

Jacks PoV
Time skip
After about half an hour of listening to Tia and Sammy having a go at each other in the bathroom, they finally came out. Tia ran into the room and hide behind Felix. "Grrr, I hate you Tia!" Sammy yelled as she stomped in. Her hair was up in a neat bun, she had light green eye shadow on, mascara, blusher and a nice light pink lipstick on. She looked beautiful. "Tia take this crap off my face!" She yelled as she stomped her foot. "Okay just let me get a picture then I'll take it off." She said as she pulled out her phone. Sammy pulled a cute pose as Tia took the picture. "You know I'm putting this all over the internet, right." She said as she giggled. "Tia!" Sammy yelled. "Okay okay, I'll take the makeup off." They both went back to the bathroom.

When they came back, Sammy had her hair back in a mess ponytail, she wasn't wearing the lipstick or blusher and she wasn't wearing the eye shadow or mascara any more. "You should have left it on you looked very beautiful." I said. She glared at me. "Hey dad, can we go to the park?" Tim asked Mark. Mark nodded and said, "sure, but make sure you have your phone with you."
"Yeah same for you two." Felix said. "You two Sammy." I said after.

Sammy's PoV
We all left Marks house to head to the park. "Hey can we go and see if Aidan wants to come with us?" I asked as he walked down the road. "Oooo, I think Sammy likes Aidan." Tia mocked as she shook my shoulders. "Shut up! No I done!" I yelled so loud I think Jack would be able to hear it. "Sure we can go get your, boyfriend." Tim said as he chuckled at the end. "Tim." I said angrily.

Time skip
After we got Aidan and got to the park, we all sat down and talked. "I was playing Pokemon go yesterday and I was about to catch a charazerd, when the game froze." Charley said as he waved his arms around. I laughed, "haha sucks to be you." I said as I pointed at him. "Hey can any of you climb a tree?" Aidan asked as he pointed towards us. "Well I know Sammy can." He said. They all shook there heads. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and then we both raced over to the tree and started climbing. We wouldn't race to see how could climb the quickest but to see how could climb the highest.

Aidan and I had almost climbed right to the top, when I slipped and fell. I fell back down through the tree. The tree branches scratch up my arms and face. I felt a sudden burst of pain in my eye as I continue to fall. When I hit the floor I began to cry. "Sammy!" Tim yelled as he ran over to me.

Tim's PoV
I ran over to Sammy. She fell from a really high height. She had cuts all over her arms and face, the bone in her arm was sticking out and she had a stick stuck in her right eye. She was in a lot of pain. I was panicking and I didn't know what to do. Sammy is like as sister to me and I hate seeing he cry.

Sammy's PoV
I lay on the floor looking up at Tim. I could only see him through one eye. I began to panic when I realised I had something that felt like a stick in my eye. I could see tim was panicking as well. The others came over and all so began to panic. "I'm going to call dad." Tim said as he began to cry.

A/N: oh my god!!!! Thank you all so much for 1k reads. Thanks for reading :) :)

Sammy (adopted by Jacksepticeye) DISCONTINUED Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu