Chapter 5: I'm sorry dad

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Sammy's PoV
I walked in to the kitchen and grabbed my school bag. "Hey trouble, you ready." Jack had started to call me trouble ever since he found out how much troubled I would get in to at school. I had been living with Jack for about one month now, and he now has a good idea of how I behave at school. I nodded and we left the apartment.

We walked down the rode and to the bus stop. "Hey trouble, try not doing anything bad at school this week, please, I'm kinda tiered of having to apologise to your headmaster." Jack said as we sat down on the crap seats. "Don't worry dad, I promise I won't get in to trouble." I said as I smiled at him. He chuckled. "Ha, how can someone so adorable be so bad." He said as he pinched my check. I pushed his hand away and laughed. "You know I hate it when you do that." I said as I crossed my arms and stuck my tongue out at him.

Time skip
We stopped outside the school gates. "Right, no getting in to trouble, okay." Jack said as he knelt down and put his hand on my shoulder. "I promise I won't get in to trouble." I said as I put my hand over my heart. He smiled and straightened my tie. "Hey sammy." I turned around and Abby and cherry ran over to me. "To the monkey bars!" I yelled as I began to march off. Abby and cherry followed after me. "Remember you promised not to get in to trouble." Jack said as he waved. "I promise." I said as I marched to the monkey bars.

"What was Jack talking about?" Abby asked as we got to the monkey bars. "Oh, I promise him that I wouldn't get in to trouble this week." I said as I climbed up the side of the monkey bars. "Wow are sure you can keep that promise?" Cherry said as she joined me on the monkey bars. "Yeah cherry has a point, you do get in a lot of trouble." Abby said as she began to clime up to us. "Hey, I can be good." I said as I tucked my legs over the bar and hanged down. "How do you do that." Cherry asked as she tried to hang upside down.

Time skip
I was sitting down at a lunch table with Abby and cherry, when Inky and Sakyu came over. "Oh no what do they want?" Abby said as she looked at me worriedly. "Hi sammy." Inky said as she put her hand on my shoulder. I didn't move. "How's life with Jack." Sakyu said as she leaned forward so she was really close to me. I kept my head down. "It good." I said as I pushed inky's hand off my shoulder. "What's up sammy, don't you like talking to us?" Sakyu said in a baby ish voice. "No I don't, can you please go away." I said politely. "Oh no no no sammy, why would we go away, we like, making fun of you." Inky said as she pulled my hair. "Aw, hey!" I yelled as I stood up. "Well then, what are going to sammy." Sakyu said as she pushed me. I went to push her but Abby grabbed me. "Sammy don't, you promised your dad, remember." Abby said as she pulled me back. "Oh really, what did you promise your, daddy." Inky said as she grabbed me and pushed Abby over. Cherry was so scared that she ran off to find a teacher. Inky held me still while Sakyu hit me. I couldn't do much they were both two years older then me.

Inky pushed me over and her and sakyu began to walk away. Abby ran up to me and helped me up. As so as I was on my feet I run up behind sakyu and kicked the back of her knee. She fell over. "Aw what the hell!" She yelled. Inky grabbed me by my tie and pushed me up against the wall. She hit me in my stomach. I poked her in her eye. "Aw!" She yelled as she let go of me. I pushed her to the floor and sat on her. I hit her a few times but then sakyu pulled of her by my hair.

"Hey stop it, let go of her!" Mr Benham
Said as he ran over to us. Cherry was hiding behind him. "You three, go the headmasters office!"  He yelled as he pointed in the direction of the headmasters office.

Time skip
I sat down out side the office. I had my knees tucked in to my chest. Inky and sakyu were already in the office with. Paige (the lady from the orphanage.) I felt like crying. I didn't keep my promise.

Not to long after Jack walked in. He looked at me and I couldn't help but burst in to tears. He walked over to me and hugged me. "Hey shhhh, it's okay." He said as he wiped away my tears. "I'm sorry dad." I said as I leaned forward and hugged him again. "What for?" He asked. "I broke my promise." I said as I began to cry again. "No no, it's not your fault sweetie, you didn't start the fight." He said as he rubbed my back. "I'm sorry dad." I said again. "You don't have to be." He said as he broke are hug. "Are you going to be okay." He asked. I nodded. I had a big red mark on my cheek and I was starting to get a black eye.

We left school and went home. On the way home Jack said that he wants me to meet his friends son. He said his name was Tim and he lived in America, so we would have to talk over Skype.

A/N: hi so I'm going to try and update this story every day. Remember I said TRY!!!

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