The gift

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Lillie took a while to find pixie hollow. She walked in, but Peter wasn't there. She looked around and found only fairies.

"Hello?" She said.
"Lillie," a voice said behind her.

She turned around and Peter was there. She looked at him and then looked down. "I want to go home," she said.

"What?" Peter said.
"I'm not sure if I want to stay here any longer," Lillie said, still looking down at her feet.
"Then I must give you something," Peter said.

Lillie looked at him puzzled. "You don't have to give me anything."
"Yes I do."

Lillie just looked at Peter. There was nothing here for a gift.

"I want to give you my shadow. And you can give me yours," Peter said.
"Peter, that's not possible," Lillie said.
"Sure it's possible."
"Ok. Fine."

Peter did something with his shadow and handed it to Lillie. She couldn't believe that it happened.

Peter did the same thing to Lillie's shadow and took it for himself. He did something to Lillie's shadow that made it stick to him. He did the same thing to Lillie.

Lillie had Peter's shadow with her. It followed wherever Lillie went.

"Thank you," she said.
"It's the only thing that will help you remember me," Peter said.

Lillie and Peter left pixie hollow. They met up with the lost boys at the shore. Lillie said nothing the whole time that Peter was with the boys.

Tinkerbell came and sat on her shoulder. Lillie didn't want to tell her that she was leaving.

"Tink, this is really hard to tell you, but I'm going to leave soon. I'll miss you," said Lillie when she had the guts to speak.

Tink flew in front of her and looked at Lillie. She stayed by Lillie the whole time.

Soon, the sun was setting. Everyone went to the hut, even Tink. Lillie soon told the lost boys that she was leaving.

Since the only person who understood fairies was Peter, he told Lillie that Tink was going to go with Lillie.

"I would love that, but nobody knows about you. You'll have to stay hidden," Lillie told Tink. Tink nodded.
Hello. I am so sorry of this being a short part. I hope you liked it. There is going to be a second book. Thank you for reading. Bye. :)-

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