The walk home

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Lillie got onto shore after swimming for a while. Her arm was finally going numb again. She tried moving it, but it just gave her more pain.

She stood up. And looked around for Peter. He was still on the Jolly Roger. Maybe I can run away again, she thought. She started backing away keeping an eye on Peter.

She saw Peter flying over to her. She stopped walking. Peter landed right in front of her. "Why did you do that?" He asked.

"Why do you care?"  Lillie asked.
"Because Neverland can be dangerous."
"I already know that."

Lilli hugged her arm to her side. Peter noticed it and grabbed Lillie's hand. They both stopped walking. Lillie closed her eyes hoping that it won't matter.
Peter grabbed Lillie's arm. He scanned the scratch on her arm. It looked bad (not going to describe it because I am not sure if it would make you fell sick). He looked at Lillie, seeing if she could feel any pain. He couldn't tell because her eyes were closed.

Peter let go of her arm and walked away from her.
Lillie felt her arm being dropped and footsteps. She opened her eyes and saw Peter go into the trees. He soon started to fly.

Lillie felt bad. I do not understand boys. Even ones that fly, she thought. She stood there, deep in thought. She noticed that the sun was gone and stars were shining.
Peter flew over to the lost boys. He had them hiding in case he needed help. He motioned to them to go back. He stood there making sure that they were all gone.

He followed them in silence. It was quite awkward, because there was just silence. All noise was their footsteps and the leaves.

Peter hoped Lillie wouldn't run away again and that the boys would behave.
It was a bit hard for Lillie to see. She soon made it to the hut and went to her room. She laid down and closed her eyes. Her arm hurt so much.

She put it to her side in case Peter checks to see if she was asleep. They were back and for some reason, silent.

Lillie's arm was throbbing. At least she could feel it and it wasn't numb anymore.

Lillie heard Peter push back the curtain. She knew it was Peter because he was the only one that made sure Lillie was asleep. He closed the curtain and sat down.

Lillie soon fell to sleep right there.
Peter closed the curtain and sat down near Lillie's hurt arm. He made sure Lillie was completely asleep. He knows that she can't feel anything when she is asleep.

He lifted her arm and looked at her wound. It was still bad, but he could tell that it hurt. He touched it and Lillie started shaking. Peter put down her arm and stood up.

Lillie woke up. "What's wrong?" Peter asked.
"Nightmare," Lillie said and closes her eyes again.

Peter left her alone. He would ask about it in the morning.
Lillie soon saw color instead of the darkness that you see when your asleep. Lillie could tell that this was a dream, but not a normal one.
Hey everyone. Thanks for reading. I know that I am very lazy to update but I am just waiting to make sure that people comment some ideas. If you have an idea, please comment it. I might use it. Thank you again for reading. I have over 100 readers and it makes me happy to see that people are at least reading this. Hit that star and I will see ya later. Bye. :)

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