Skull rock

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When Lillie saw the pixie hollow fairys', her heart lept with joy. It seemed like forever since they made the dress for her.

Peter went in after her and started talking. "Why did you run away?"

"We already did this. I told you already," I said.
"Ok, I see. How's your arm?"
"Hurts. Why are we here anyway?"
"This was the only place I thought we could talk. I'm really bad at deciding where to go."
"Like a date?"
"You could put it like that."

Lillie just stood there. She didn't know what to say. "I was wondering if...." Peter started, but was interrupted by a fairy flying in quickly.

Peter then flew off with the fairy. Must be Captain Hook. This was just like my dream. Should I leave? Lillie thought.

She decided to leave and find out what happened after she woke up. It was a stupid decision, but she kept on walking.

Soon the dream kept on coming real. The pirate has already caught her and taking the boat to skull rock.

Wait? Captain Hook! Lillie thought, how could I forget?

Lillie saw Captain Hooks usual red coat and started to freak out.
Peter flew with Tinkerbell to the Jolly Roger. Captain Hook wasn't there and Peter stood frozen. He realized what he just did.

Peter flew as fast as he could back to pixie hollow. When he finally reached it, Lillie wasn't there. If I was Captain Hook where would I be? Of course skull rock, Peter thought.

He flew as fast to skull rock as he could. It was far from pixie hollow so it took a while to get there.
The sword was already being raised when Lillie started thinking of a plan to get out.

She decided to swim as the sword came closer to her. It seemed like slow motion.

Peter came flying in and started to sword fight with Captain Hook. Lillie quickly jumped in the water and swam as fast as she could with her hands tied.

She got the rope untied and started to swim better. She looked back to see Peter winning the battle. Like he ever loses them, Lillie thought.

She kept swimming until she got to shore. The lost boys were sitting on rocks splashing each other. Tom was the only one that didn't join the water fight.

Lillie finally got to a point where she could stand. It was a long swim. Lillie was soaking wet.

Tom noticed her and helped her onto a rock. "What happened?" He asked.

"I was captured by Captain Hook again and Peter is now fighting him at skull rock. I escaped, but I'm worried about Peter," Lillie said.

The rest of the lost boys noticed that Tom was with Lillie and came over to see what's going on.

Lillie couldn't stop coughing. She laid down on the rock and everything seemed to just lift. Like as if she was dry and everything was ok.

Lillie tucked in her arm more to hide the big scratch on it. Eddie pulled her up and started asking the same question as Tom did. She answered the same way.
Hello. I am happy that people are reading this book. Hope that you like this part and let me know if you have any ideas. I might add them in. Thanks for reading. Vote if you want. I don't really care if you do or don't. Have a happy rest of the day. Bye. :)

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