Chapter 24

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"Hi, you must be Ricky." A blue eyed girl greets cheerily. "I've heard quite a bit about you." So the twins have been talking about me at their church? Hot damn

"Good things, I hope." I reply, smirking.

"Something like that." She says a teasing glint in her eyes, making me laugh.

"We should go catch up with the twins and everyone else." She continues, taking my hand absent mindedly in hers and pulling me along. "I'm Ellie by the way."

The church is huge and wherever I turn, I see several smiling people hugging and talking. It makes me feel at rest, like maybe it won't be so bad after all.

We head to a room upstairs where comfortable chairs have been arranged. As the service hasn't begun yet, a whole bunch of teenagers are strewn about the room, talking excitedly and catching up on the few days they've been apart.

Contrary to what I thought, I don't feel even a bit out of place when the twins introduce me to the rest of their friends. They're so nice, their happiness is contagious and I find myself relaxing and making small talk. Two things I haven't done in quite a while.

Soon enough, the service begins and I have to be brutally honest. Here I was, ready to yawn my way through the service and mentally complain all the way. the only thing is, I couldn't!

It wasn't the slightest bit boring. All the songs were nice and catchy and there was this hilarious drama presentation which kept me laughing non-stop. Even when the jolly old speaker climbed the podium and began to preach, I still didn't hate it. He said things that I agree with and at the end of the whole affair, I was quite sad it was over. It actually leaves me feeling a bit dazed. I mean, I've been to churches before. What's different this time?

"How'd you find it?" Peter, a guy I'd been introduced to earlier asks with a curious look on his face.

"It was actually way beyond my expectations." I reply enthusiastically, unable to contain it. Nodding, he shakes my hand and says he'll be expecting me next week before sauntering off.

When we're done talking and saying our good byes, I join the twins as they head to pick up Ruby from the kids section before catching up with their mum who takes us home.

"Thanks for taking me." I say, getting out of the car.

"Come along next week?" Adira asks hopefully.

"Maybe." I reply, shrugging as though it doesn't matter. I was bluffing, of course. The truth, even if she hadn't asked, I would have tagged along next week anyway. The whole experience was all too enjoyable to skip out on.

"Thanks again, Mrs. Williams." I repeat, before heading over to my place.

Mum's asleep when I get back so I grab some soda and head upstairs, deciding to catch up on some school work. My phone vibrates and I check to see that it's a text form Adira

"We Won! You tried to hide it but I know we did" It says. Damn. I had been so busy not criticizing their church I'd totally forgotten about the deal. My initial plan had been to lie if at all it turned out I did enjoy it but now I'd blown my chance. It must have been Peter, I think to myself whilst replying the text. I should have watched myself. Well, there goes my chance at asking her out. I'll get around to it later though. I just need time.

A knock on the door pulls me out of my thoughts.

"How was it?" mum's tired but smiling face pokes into my room.

"Worth it." I reply. "You should come along next week."

"We'll see." She says sauntering off to go make lunch, I presume.

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