Chapter 4

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"I cannot believe its Monday" I say, groaning as I get ready for school. "Who even invented school?" I ask as loudly as I can to no one in particular.

"Hurry up Ricky; I don't want to be late for work." Mum screams loud enough for me to hear from my bedroom

"Jeez, can't a girl get some sleep around here?" Aunt Veronica complains. She has the day off from work for reasons I do not know.

Not bothering to apologize, mum and I stomp downstairs and shut the door behind us. Soon, we're on our way.

It's an assembly day and as we seat watching a boring presentation Dr. Eli made on time management, my mind wanders to the fact that Mrs. Williams had said she had three daughters. Maybe, just maybe...

"Ricky!" Alex snaps me out of my thoughts with a loud whisper.

"What?" I demand.

"Are you okay? I mean, you've been staring into space and smiling all dopey-like"

"Jesus Christ" I chuckle. "Yeah, I'm okay. Was just thinking"

"Saga Boy back?"

"Probably" I reply with a huge grin on my face.

"Jericho Davis and Alex Roberts please stand up" says Dr. Eli all the way from the stage up on the front of the auditorium.

Shoot! I'd forgotten all about the presentation and had maybe, sort of accidentally been talking too loudly.

"Care to share your topic of discussion with the whole school? I'm sure they'd be eager to know."

No one dared laugh at her remark. I mean, who in their right mind would want to laugh when Dr. Eli was telling people off? It's just something you don't do.

"Sorry Dr. Eli" Alex and I mumble.

"What's that you say? I didn't quite pick it out" she lies whilst cupping her hand behind her ear. I can tell she's enjoying this.

"Sorry Dr. Eli" we both say again, a bit louder this time

"You may retake your seats" she commands without even acknowledging our apologies. Oh, if I didn't care about trying to be a good kid, the things I would do without a second thought.

Once assembly is over, we head back to our homerooms and as we make light talk, vice Principal Carter comes in with who I'm assuming is one of the new students Mary had talked about earlier. I'd actually forgotten all about it until now.

After mumbling my greeting to Mr. Carter, I take out time to check out the girl standing beside him, absentmindedly shuffling her feet.

She has really dark hair which is as wild as the amazon forest, flawless olive skin, dark brown eyes that look so intense and the cutest little lips. She's beautiful and even the trashy school uniform looks good on her. I've never seen anyone with Marley twists like hers look so good. Damn, isn't that hair against school rules or something?

"Everyone, this is Davina Williams, your new classmate. Please make her feel welcome"

Williams, Williams, where had I heard that before? My forehead creases as I try to think and then to comes to me.

Wait, what? Did I just hear right? This is the daughter of my new neighbor? I can't help but squeal happily.

"Is there a problem Mr. Davis?" asks our vice principal

"No sir" I mumble and move down in my seat. Way to go on squealing too loudly Ricky, I think to myself.

"Seeing as you're so excited to have a new classmate, maybe you can show her around" says Mr. Carter

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