Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

She left. Just like that; no warning beforehand, just vanished off the face of the earth.

Trish had been my girlfriend for three weeks. All through the summer holidays we'd talked and not once had she mentioned not coming back for the next school year. I hadn't liked her that much, but she was beautiful and I missed her a bit. That accounts for something, right?

A current of rage sweeps through me as I remember how sweet she'd been all summer. Trying to let it out, I knock down a tumbler sitting innocently on my writing desk. The fragments cut me and draw blood but I'm way past feeling that and as I watch the scarlet beads that form my blood drip-dripping onto the hardwood floor of my room, a flood of painful memories come rushing back.


I remember a time when I was nine and my mum and I were seated on the sofa watching my favorite show on TV. I remember wishing the moment would last forever when suddenly Kenny the human boar stormed drunkenly into the room. Eyes blazing, clothes dripping, he looked quite the character.

My mum had tried to welcome him home but he'd brushed her off, smirking.

"Did you, did you miss me?" he had slurred, staggering towards us.

Mum had flinched but stayed put, avoiding eye contact with him.

"I said." he had repeated grabbing her neck in the process. "Did you miss me?"

"Get your grubby hand off of me." she'd replied shakily. Her eyes looked hard as she tried to pry his fingers off. I was a bit surprised because mum rarely challenged Kenny. The last time she had done that, well, let's just say the end point had not been pretty.

"Don't you dare back at me Samantha." he had said. "Now be a loving wife and go, go make dinnerr." he commanded, releasing her roughly from his grip as he staggered over to a chair and sat down; His words sounding distorted from his most recent drinking spree. 

Mum hadn't wanted to anger him anymore than necessary so she began making her way out of the sitting room.

"Jericho." the words came out slurred, but he still managed to sound aggressive. "You didn't welcome your father."

I hesitated in my reply, scared and trying to figure out what to say. That seemed to tick him off though because he got a wild look in his eyes and threatened to give me a good spanking.

"Don't you dare touch him." mum had retorted, stopping in her tracks and that alone had earned her a beautiful slap which resonated throughout the living room.

I had begun to cry then because I knew exactly what would come next. I tried tugging at his shirt sleeve as my eyes began to pool with tears but he wasn't done with her yet.

 Inching closer to mum, he slapped her again and again and all I could do was watch with tear filled eyes. Kenny wasn't listening to my pleas and mum was unable to hold him off.

"Whaat  did I say about talking Sammie?" he slurred, slapping her yet again. The noise so loud that I began pounding my little fists against his back, urging him to stop. Of course he didn't but I couldn't bear to see my mum in pain anymore.

When he was satisfied with the tears running down her face, he seemed to finally register my actions. "You!" he growled, as his eyes narrowed to slits. My father lunged at me with such speed that we both crashed onto the floor, upturning the sofa whilst glass from his shattered liquor bottle cut my arm.

Rushing towards me, my mum began to scream.  She'd somehow managed to pull Kenny away and swept me into her arms, ripping a part of my shirt and using it to apply pressure to the cut. Her face was bruised and splotchy as she checked me over, tears flowing freely down her face.

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