Chapter 14

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I arrive pretty late for school the next day but I'm fine with it since I miss the Friday assembly. It's a mufti Friday for charity so I'm dressed casually in a simple plaid shirt, a pair of skinny jeans and my timberland boots.

I go by the reception desk to drop off my donation before heading straight to the biology lab. I'm in no mood to be part of any conversation they may be having in homeroom today.

"Morning Mrs. Miller." I greet as she comes out of the small office attached to the lab.

"How are you doing Ricky?"

"I'm fine thanks."

"You know, you don't have to be here for another fifteen minutes."

"I know." I reply, pretending to be busy with my book bag to avoid any more questions. She takes a seat then and starts working on her laptop.

Before long, everyone else arrives in little groups and she begins the lesson. I try not to zone out too much but it's out of my control.

I can't help thinking of mum; how she's coping at work. I can't stop thinking of my aunt; if she'll get better or suffer from a major stroke instead. Then there's my 'father' who I still have mixed feelings about. The only thing going great for me is the fact that I still have friends that are there for me.

The sound of the bell pulls me back to reality and I place my things in my book bag before heading for literature.

"hey, wait up." I hear as a hand comes in contact with my shoulder.

"Hey." I say giving a half smile.

"Why'd you sneak off to class without me?"

"I did not 'sneak off' as you have just said." I laugh making air quotes. "I just came in really late."

Alex doesn't seem to believe me but he lets it slide.

"Are you doing okay though?" he asks and all I want to do is spill my guts right there to him on the spot but I know I can't; this isn't the place and I'm already getting late for class anyways.

"I'm good." I reply, offering my hand for a fist bump before sauntering off.

"Catch you later." He calls after me so I turn back, whilst still walking and cup my hands over my mouth

"You don't have to let the whole school know you're obsessed with me Alex." I smirk.

"You wish." Comes his reply.

I'm just about to retort with a good comeback when I crash into someone.

"Watch where you're going stutter boy." She smiles.

"Hey." I smile "Sorry about bumping into you."

"It's cool." She replies and without saying anything else, keeps on walking to her next class.

When I get to class, I push the door open with too much force and it crashes hard into the wall behind it. The teacher shoots me a glare but I'm in no mood to apologize. Instead, I stride right past him, toss my book bag on a random table and get settled in beside some chattering students. At least I'm not late, I mutter to myself.

Without further ado, Mr. Gregory stalks up to his laptop which is sitting smugly on his desk and starts clicking away, not saying a word to anybody.

Soon, the opening credits to William Shakespeare's Macbeth get displayed on the smart board. Our teacher then pauses the video, takes a seat, crossing his legs at the ankles and smiles at us.

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