Chapter 6

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"What?" I scream. "Is he crazy or something. Or wait, scratch that. I forgot, he is crazy."

"Calm down Ricky. We'll get this sorted out. There's no way he'll win. We have a strong case against him,"

"I know mum but this is Kenny we're talking about. He has a way of bending things to suit his needs. I swear I hate that man." I spit.

I mean seriously, it's bad enough that he showed up at our house but custody, that's just insane. I would rather have my eyeballs crushed and force fed to me than live with him.

After all he's done he still has the guts to show his face and spew such rubbish from his mouth. Hmm, spew, that's a funny word. But still, my so called father is a living demon and I won't let him gain control over me again.

"Ricky? Are you okay?" mum is asking when I zone back in.

"Yes mum, I'm fine" I reply sighing.

She makes to hug me and I rush into her embrace even though I'm getting taller than her now. "It's okay. We're going to be okay."

"Thanks mum." The hug actually makes me feel better; always has even though I would never openly admit it to her. "Uhm...does aunt know about this?"

"Yeah, she does. She witnessed the whole thing. She had the day off, remember?"

"Kenny's such a mo-

"Language Ricky!" she cuts me off

"Sorry mum" I mutter but still complete the sentence in my head just to feel the satisfaction. Insulting my dad always makes me feel better about him. Weird, I know but still. It's not my fault he's such a jerk.


Once I freshen up and do my homework, my room feels too depressing so I head downstairs to watch some TV.

After a half hour of the Simpsons I can't help but feel a tiny bit better. I text Alex to find out if I can come over and he replies in the affirmative.

I go back to my room to get ready. Switching my shorts for a pair of black skinny jeans and pulling on a black parental advisory hoodie, I head downstairs where I find my black vans.

"Mum! I'm going over to see Alex" I yell as I make my way towards the door.

She comes out of her room wrinkling her nose. "Whose funeral is it?"

"I actually haven't decided yet." I scowl, shrugging.

Mum rolls her eyes. "Very funny Ricky." She replies sarcastically. "Be back by seven."

"Sure thing, mum." I reply closing the door behind me.

Ten minutes later, I'm texting Alex to let him know I'm close by. This is our usual practice when visiting each other so none of us actually has to knock.

I spot Andrew, Alex's younger brother, at the door and wave.

"Ricky, my boy, how's it going?" I roll my eyes at his terrible attempt at sounding like a rich gang owner and offer my hand for a fist pump.

"Hey Drew. Where's Alex?" I ask.

"Nice to see you too." He mutters, letting me in.

Alex's house is like my second home. His parents are rarely around because they're big business people so they have someone employed who keeps an eye on Alex and his siblings.

The house, or should I say mansion is like twice the size of mine and mine is pretty big, but I don't mind since Alex isn't all snobby and posh.

Anyways, about his siblings, there are three of them.

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