My Name is Three (chapter 17)

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--Vocal recording 66407--Cell 84--



[pause 12s]


[pause 23.5s]

"I... I can't..."

[pause 90s]




[pause 400s]

"... I... it... I..."

[pause 39.5s]

"I can't... no..."

[pause 232s]




[extremely raised voice] "LEAVE ME ALONE!!"




[pause 205s, voices]

"I... I'm sorry... I couldn't say anything before... I couldn't..."

[pause 24.5s]

"I'm... I..."

[pause 29s]

"I've been thinking a lot about my parents today. I did love them. I realise now that that's why I killed them."

[pause 85.5s]

"I've been thinking about them a lot, because..."

[pause 19s]

"Because I'm pregnant."

[pause 89s]

"No-one's actually told me. I worked it out myself. I mean, there's still months until the actual..."

[pause 34s]

 "But I know the signs. The throwing up, the stomach cramps and... things like that. And then.... well, there's the most obvious signs."

[pause 24.5s]

"I... I wonder if it's a boy or a girl... and then there's names... and..."

[pause 45s]

"My baby's going to be born in Eden 28..."

[pause 17.5s]

"And Eight doesn't know. I mean, how could he know? He might not even be alive anymore."

[pause 49s]

"I... didn't mean that. He is alive. He... he must be."

[pause 11s]

 It's his baby... and he's got no idea that he or she exists... maybe I should call it Eleven, huh?" [hysterical laughter 4.5s]

[pause 3s, voices]

"OK, OK... sorry."

[pause 43s]

"Look, I... I know I said I'd talk more about... what happened with the D.E.M. Where had I got to?"

[pause 11s, voices]

"Oh, right.... look, I'm sorry, but... I really, really don't want to. Can we -"

[pause 10.5s, voices]

"I... please. I know... It goes against your orders, but..."

[pause 8s]


[pause 395.5s]


Hey guys!!

Well what do you think? I had quite a long debate with myself over whether to put this in the story or not, but I think I'm glad I did cos it opens up some new angles n stuff.

Tell me what u think!!

Oh and one more thing: CathyL0v3 has threatened to de-fan my and stop reading if I don't say *ahem*:

 "If Three didn't exist, Eight would be Cathy's."

I'm saying nothing, but I should imagine that one or two of you will prolly want to argue with that statement; she said it, remember, not me!!! :-)

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